The Sinocism China Newsletter 09.26.13

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Next week China is on vacation to celebrate the National Day Holiday. Sinocism will be off as well so there may only be one or two issues next week. Nothing much should be going on here, though there could be one or two interesting announcements this Friday or over the weekend, if recent history is a guide.

Today’s Links:


Xi stresses CPC criticisms, self-criticisms – Xinhua | Xi Jinping, leader of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has urged leading officials to constantly relay criticisms and self-criticisms to improve capabilities to find and solve their own problems. “Criticisms and self-criticisms are forceful weapons to solve contradictions within the Party,” said Xi, general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, while participating in sessions held between Sept. 23-25 as part of the ongoing “mass line” campaign. During the sessions, standing committee members of the Party Committee of north China’s Hebei Province examined their own conduct, laid out major problems, analyzed the causes and set down plans for rectification. “Our weapons for self-protection and disease treatment shall not be discarded,” Xi said.

Related: 习近平:坚持用好批评和自我批评的武器 提高领导班子解决自身问题能力-高层动态-新华网 习近平在指导河北省委常委班子专题民主生活会时强调…坚持用好批评和自我批评的武器 提高领导班子解决自身问题能力

Related: 习近平:有话放到桌面上讲 坚决反对好人主义_网易新闻中心 23日下午至25日上午,习近平用4个半天时间参加专题民主生活会。会上,周本顺代表省委常委班子作对照检查,省委常委班子成员人人作对照检查,班子成员对每位常委同志都提出了批评意见。

Related: 中共以苏联亡党亡国树整风警示_中国_多维新闻网 educational documentaries, including on the collapse of the Soviet Union 20 years on, required viewing in some party organs and ministries, says Duowei. to be rolled out for all party members? // 【多维新闻】中共领导人习近平掀起的规模庞大的整风运动已进入新一轮。据称近期中共中央党政部门、各地党政机关正在集中观看包括《苏联亡党亡国20年祭—俄罗斯人在诉说》等在内的党内教育参考片,以树立自我警示。该片将苏联解体视为“世纪大悲剧”,警告党员汲取苏共严重脱离人民群众,官僚腐化,蜕化变质,最终导致苏联解体的沉痛教训…《苏联亡党亡国20年祭—俄罗斯人在诉说》是系列电视教育片《居安思危》之三,由中国社会科学院世界社会主义研究中心课题组制作,共分为《苏联最后的日子—世纪大悲剧引起的反思》、《把自己推向灭亡的政党—多党制引发的恶果》、《被“休克”的国家—经济私有化带来的衰败》、《阿尔巴特街的迷墙—指导思想多元化造成的混乱》等4集。

Related: 苏联亡党亡国二十年祭第一集【全】—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 Part 1 of “20th Anniversary of the Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Soviet Communist Party”. Parts 2,3,4 linked from this page. On Youku

Related: 湖南省委常委观看《苏联亡党亡国20年祭》–时政–人民网 本报9月24日讯 今天,省委常委中心组进行群众路线教育实践活动开展以来的第四次集中学习,听取《延安整风的回顾与思考》辅导报告,观看党内教育参考片《苏联亡党亡国20年祭——俄罗斯人在诉说》。省委书记、省人大常委会主任徐守盛主持并讲话,要求以史为鉴、联系现实,坚持不懈抓好教育实践活动,加快全面建成小康社会,奋力谱写中国梦的湖南篇章。省委副书记、省长杜家毫,省政协主席陈求发参加学习。

Pursuing Graft Cases at Higher Levels, Chinese Leader Risks Unsettling Elites – “What’s going on can be called shaking the mountain to scare the tiger,” said Professor Ding, citing a Chinese expression meaning a show of strength to warn others. “It’s also about Xi consolidating control over the key parts of the system,” Professor Ding said. “It says to Zhou Yongkang, ‘We are in the process of collecting all the evidence of people close to you, and if you don’t keep yourself disciplined, we can do more.’ Others will also understand that warning.”

Related: As Zhou Bin Returns to China, Details of Life in U.S. Emerge – Caixin reports don’t yet explicity say this Zhou Bin is Zhou Yongkang’s son, but that is what many people assume. No idea if true at this point // Zhou Bin, the former chairman of Beijing-based Zhongxu Yangguang Energy and Technology Ltd. Corp, recently returned to Beijing from overseas, multiple sources told Caixin on September 23. Zhou’s former company is involved in a legal storm. Its founder, Wu Bing, was detained in August. And several top managers of its largest client, China National Petroleum Corp. (CNPC), have also been detained. Details of Zhou’s in-laws and the family’s moves in the United States have also started to emerge. // 【特稿】拉古娜海滩的黄家_公司频道_财新网 黄婉周滨夫妇在国内的商业拓展,以及近来对吴兵案的调查,让已赴美多年的黄渝生一家进入公众视野

Related: “中旭系”日落 latest Caijing on the Zhongxu network of companies…Chinese media reporting on this and related topics is very aggressive // 吴兵以高层人脉广阔著称,近年来活跃于水电、石油、地产、公路、文娱领域,建立了一个以“中旭”为名的隐秘公司系

Related: Deputy GM of Troubled Cable and Wire Company Dies from Fall – Caixin The deputy general manager of troubled manufacturer of cables and wires in the southwestern province of Sichuan has died after falling from a high place. The death of He Yuying, 44, is the most recent episode in Sichuan Star Cable Co. Ltd.’s troubles. The company’s chairman, Li Guangyuan, general manager, Shen Ludong, and chief financial officer, Yang Ping, have all disappeared in recent months. The company and local police have not called He’s death a suicide. It was unclear when she died.

Related: Amid Corruption Probe, Chinese Tycoons Disappear From View – Prominent Chengdu Executives Are Believed to Be Detained by Authorities, Associates Say

Related: 中石油案深度发酵:两部委拟改造这家巨无霸|中石油|内部改革|明星电缆_21世纪网 21st Century Business Herald digs into the petro corruption case and the Sichuan connection, says a Cao Yongzheng has fled to Canada, was very tight with Guo Yongxiang and a person surnamed Zhou…// 值得注意的是,相关部门对四川的调查似乎远未到结束的时候。多个消息源称,曾与年代能源实际控制人王国巨关系密切的另一神秘富豪曹永正目前仍外逃加拿大,而其“与郭永祥及一周姓人士的关系都非常好,有些人只能逢年过节才能见上面,他可以经常约见。”…接近发改委的消息人士透露,最近一个月内,国家发改委就多次召集开会,重点讨论将中石油的管道业务收回的可能性,目的是进一步理顺天然气管输价格。 此外,国资委内部人士也称,由于中石化在专业化重组方面取得的成就,国资委在一些内部场合也建议中石油向中石化学习进行类似的专业化重组,中石油有关高层也表示将认真考虑。 // and says according to sources restructuring of the industry is under discussion, starting perhaps with taking away the pipeline business from PetroChina

Related: 媒体称吴兵通吃四川政商两道_网易新闻中心-网易新闻客户端 祖籍川东安岳县的吴兵,曾用名吴永富、李若尘。他曾在房地产与高速公路行业发力,近年来活跃于水电、石油、文娱领域,建立了一个以“中旭”为名的隐秘公司系。 在四川,吴兵可谓政商两道通吃的传奇人物,以高层人脉广阔著称。“说起人脉,这个规模的商人多少都会有,但是吴兵能量极其巨大。”一位接近四川省高层的商界人士告诉《财经》记者,他甚至可通过关系安排与省领导见面。

Related: 告别“汉龙系”:金路集团股权争夺史|刘汉|金路集团|刘沧龙_21世纪网川籍富豪刘汉“被动”从金路集团出局,没过多久,刘汉堂兄刘沧龙的宏达集团正式将手中股份的表决权授权给德阳市国有资产经营公司。两兄弟的汉龙系、宏达系,与德阳国资之间有着怎样的秘密?

Asia Unbound » Will the NSA Revelations Kickstart the Domestic Cybersecurity Industry in China? This week the National Computer Network Emergency Response Technical Team Coordination Center of China and the Internet Society of China sponsored the Chinese Internet Security Conference in Beijing. At the conference, NetentSec‘s CEO Yuan Shengang (Tony Yuan) compared the U.S. and Chinese cybersecurity industries. Yuan, who spent eight years in the United States, shows the difficulties of converting the attention to NSA surveillance into economics, painting a frank picture of the barriers to growth and innovation for Chinese companies. He also takes a much less techno-nationalist tone on the growth of a Chinese cybersecurity industry then the NSA spying promotes domestic industry argument would suggest. Yuan highlights at least three problems China will face:

专家:城镇化不是建“空中花园” 新华社——经济参考网 Economic Information reports that a nationwide urbanization work conference will be held by the end of the year, quotes experts as saying urbanization is not building “empty gardens”// 《经济参考报》记者获悉,立足于以人为主的“全国城镇化工作会议”将于年底召开,城镇化路径选择与改革将成为会议讨论重点。 专家表示,目前很多官员对城镇化的认识过于理想化,城镇化规划基本属于锦上添花,都是给富人做的规划,没有穷人的空间。而真正的城镇化应该考虑怎样解决农村人口在城镇的生存和就业空间,以及基本公共服务问题,而不能建想象中的“空中花园”。另外,城镇化改革正面临着土地财政依赖、户籍管理难突破、行政管理制度固化、认识惯性等一系列传统惯性的挑战。

China Targets Banks in Price Probes, Starting on Oct. 10-Caijing China’s top economic planning agency will target banks in its next step of price probes, following those in industries like infant baby formula markers, pharmaceutical makers and vehicle makers. The move against arbitrary charges taken by Chinese banks will start on October 10, Xu Kunlin, the anti-trust bureau head with the National Development and Reform Commission, told an economic meeting on Tuesday. Amid chaos in the banking market, where commercial lenders are charging fees casually, companies have to pay up to 20 percent in cost for funding, said Xu.

Alibaba Is Said to Shift Target for I.P.O. to U.S. From Hong Kong – Dual-class and related share structures are permitted in the United States. Google, Facebook and The New York Times Company have dual-class listings, which give founders or family owners greater say over how a company is run. Still, Alibaba does not intend to seek a dual-class listing. The company is “not going to come to the U.S. with dual-class,” the person close to the company said, but is “going to come looking for a way” to use its existing partnership model.

Related: 阿里上市博弈:“弃港投美”真假几何_财经频道_一财网 First Financial asks if Alibaba’s abandoning a Hong Kong listing is a negotiating tactic by Jack Ma? I still find it hard to believe that the Chinese government will be happy with Alibaba, a firm so vital to China’s new economy, listing outside of a Chinese controlled territory // 阿里巴巴上市路线图爆出了“弃港投美”的跨太平洋急转弯,这到底是阿里的无奈之举,还是马云的施压策略?

Chinese General’s son found guilty of gang rape, sentenced to 10 years in jail | South China Morning Post A court in Beijing found Li Guanfeng [AKA Li Tianyi], the 17-year-old son of People’s Liberation Army Major General Li Shuangjiang, guilty on Friday charges of gang-raping a woman earlier this year and sentenced him to 10 years in prison. // His mother Meng Ge may go crazy…And his Dad has not made a public appearance in a long time. 晚年得子

Top Chinese exec urges business exchanges with Japan, apart from politics – AJW by The Asahi Shimbun Chang Zhenming, chairman of CITIC Group investment company, made clear he thought that politics and business should be kept separate, especially at a time when bilateral relations are strained by a dispute over the Senkaku Islands. “Cooperation between the business communities of the two nations is important,” Chang said in a recent interview with The Asahi Shimbun. “Exchanges are necessary between Japanese and Chinese companies.”



李克强:保障性安居工程建设是政府的硬任务、硬承诺-财经频道-新华网 Li Keqiang says low income housing is government’s “firm task, firm promise// “新华网北京9月25日电(记者 李苑)李克强总理今日主持召开国务院常务会议,研究部署进一步加大力度推进保障性安居工程建设。会议强调,改善困难群体住房条件,让广大翘首以盼的困难家庭早日搬进新居,是各级政府保障基本民生的“硬任务”,是必须向人民兑现的“硬承诺”,也是促消费、调结构的有效举措。

China eases government market intervention – Xinhua | The Chinese government said on Wednesday that it has revised an investment list and eased administrative procedures to reduce its intervention in the market. Amendments to a government approved investment list were discussed at an executive meeting of the State Council presided over by Premier Li Keqiang, according to a statement released after the meeting. The old list from 2004 no longer meets economic, scientific and technological needs, the statement said, adding that revisions are necessary to enable the market to play a more important role. // 简政放权再提速 我国取消和下放221项行政审批 

江苏上收土地收储出让权 防止无序和超规模融资_财经频道_一财网 First Financial–Jiangsu takes back control of land sales, requires all local governments to get approval from the provincial land department before requisitioning or selling land// 要求全省各地每收储、出让一块土地,都要经过省国土厅等部门审核同意,地方政府不能自行决定。

国土部要求稳定地价严防高价拿地_财经频道_一财网 First Financial-Ministry of Land Resources calls for stabilization of land prices // 为进一步做好房地产用地管理和调控,保持城市地价平稳,国土资源部召开部分城市房地产用地管理和调控工作座谈会,要求做好近期和下一阶段工作,切实稳定土地市场。

China PBOC Injects Large Short-Term Funding Ahead Of Holidays | MNI The bank added CNY80 billion via 14-day reverse repos on Thursday, following on from the CNY88 billion injected Tuesday via six-day reverse repos, an unusual tenor designed to unwind ahead of the week-long National Day holiday which starts on Tuesday, October 1. This week’s open market operations resulted in a net injection over the week of CNY155 billion, the biggest weekly addition of funding since mid-July.

Deposits Draining away in Chinese Bank in Sept. but Money Shortage Unlikely: Paper-Caijing Despite the tention, a re-run of June-like cash squeeze is unlikely. The PBoC injected 88 billion yuan into the money markets on Tuesday.

Banks Raise Interest Rates for Long-Term Deposits – Caixin An analyst familiar with the situation said many other banks have raised their long-term deposit interest rates without notifying the public. They have been quiet about the change because the banking regulator discourages banks from using temporary interest rate hikes to attract deposits when they face performance reviews, he said.

Henry Ford’s Century-Old Line Finds $15 Billion in China – Bloomberg Morgan Stanley said in a report this month that it values Ford’s Chinese operations at $15 billion. That’s more than a fifth of Ford’s stock-market value and exceeds that of Mazda Motor Corp. (7261) and Fiat SpA. (F)

UPDATE 1-Shanghai rebar drops for eighth day in 10 as supply overwhelms | ReutersA fter rising in July and August, China’s spot steel prices resumed their decline in September, with large steel producers hesitant to raise prices for October orders amid sluggish demand during the peak season, said Helen Lau, senior analyst at UOB-Kay Hian Securities in Hong Kong. “Steel production increased at a faster pace than demand, raising oversupply concerns and affecting the profitability of steel producers,” she said.

新闻联播也成投资“研报”_证券时报网 On smart A share investors watching the CCTV Evening News for early signs of policy directions that may impact listed firms // 从大的方向上说,中国经济今年仍然处于曲折的复苏过程之中,指望市场有大的系统性牛市机会,几乎不可能。而在改革的预期之下,各项政策预期为A股提供了源源不断的刺激因素,最终演变为一波又一波的主题性投资机会。更为重要的是,很多这些主题性投资机会,在新闻联播中都会提前有所体现。以信息消费为例,新闻联播就专门有所提及,如北斗导航、新型物联网、电子商务、移动互联网、宽带大提速等,这些细分行业几乎都是今年A股市场的热点,相关个股涨幅惊人。 再比如新闻联播此前一再播发中央反腐倡廉的相关系列报道,力度空前,有敏感的投资者意识到这一次中央的反腐力度超过以往,会对高端白酒带来重大利空影响,这部分投资者不仅提前减仓白酒股,还顺势做空,获得了超额收益。

Shanghai Free-Trade Zone Plans Spark Surge in Residential Prices – Bloomberg Home prices near an area that Shanghai has designated as a free-trade zone have surged 30 percent amid expectations the development will boost housing values, according to China’s second-biggest property brokerage. Prices rose to 22,000 yuan ($3,595) per square meter (10.76 square foot) in Gaoqiao, in the city’s northeast, in the first two weeks of September, said An Tao, a manager at Century 21 China Real Estate. Sales climbed about 50 percent from the same period in August. The government said in an Aug. 22 statement that the State Council had approved the special zone.

A Top Developer’s Recipe for Controlling China’s Housing Prices: Rule of Law and Moral Values – China Real Time Report – WSJ “People will always rely on home ownership as a safety net unless they see rule of law, a society with strong moral values and authorities that inspire confidence and govern effectively,” said Feng Lun, chairman of Beijing-based property developer Vantone Holdings. Unless these three factors are present, renting can be a risky proposition. If China had stronger rule of law there would be more protection for tenants, he said in an interview in Beijing, adding that the property market needs more transparency.

Noted Chinese Real Estate Tycoon Warns About Danger in China’s Housing Market-Caijing “Rises of housing prices in first-tier and second-tier Chinese cities bear striking similarities to those in the bubble economy of Japan at the end of 1980s’, ” said Wang, chairman of China Vanke, the country’s largest real estate developer by market value, Tuesday on his weibo. “The bubbles in Japan burst. Take a lesson from that,” Wang said. This is the third warning the 62-year-old Vanke chairman has given this year after he said earlier this month that sell-off of assets in Beijing and Shanghai by Asian’s richest man Li Ka-shing sent a “signal”



CPC members told to think of the people – Xinhua Liu Yunshan, senior official of the Communist Party of China (CPC), has called on Party members to find their shortcomings and better care for the people. Liu, a member of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, made the remarks Wednesday before a special meeting to recall the exemplary life of Lan Hui, a late county deputy head. Lan, former deputy head of Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County in southwest China’s Sichuan Province, fell off a cliff and died while inspecting a rural road on May 23 of this year. He was 48. Lan was known for his paintstaking efforts at the forefront of relief and reconstruction work following the devastating May 12 quake in 2008. He was said to have traveled an average of 200-plus km every day during his three-year tenure as deputy head of the county.

列车“寄生虫” long Caijing look at the corruption involved in the procurement of high speed rail cars under Zhang Shuguang // 高度集权的特质与铁路领域本身封闭、垄断的行业背景下,各色商人攀附在张曙光的周围,在高铁盛宴前利益输送,共同寄生于列车采购项目中

丁书苗发现自己被调查后捐款3亿欲免刑责-财经网 After learning she was under investigation in 2009, Ding Shumiao donated 300 million RMB to charity to try to avoid charges…//“我想通过慈善提高社会影响力,让国家领导知道,让我自己免于刑事责任。”丁书苗在侦查阶段的一段供述暴露了她的“慈善”的真实目的。公诉人在庭审中表示,丁书苗在2009年发现自己被调查后的捐款达3亿多元

纪念习仲勋百岁冥诞 张万年迟浩田赞其风骨_中国_多维新闻网 exhibit to mark upcoming 100 anniversary of birth of Xi Zhongxun, interesting who contributed calligraphy//【多维新闻】中共最高领导人习近平之父习仲勋百岁冥诞在即,中共将领、官员9月24日于其生前长期主政的广东为其举行书画展,前中央军委副主席张万年题书“浩然正气”,而迟浩田更称其“功勋卓著肝胆照人”。 中新社报道说,为纪念习仲勋百年诞辰,广州当天举行了纪念书画展,原成都军区政治委员刘书田、杨德清上将等10位将军和相关省市的官员等300多人参加了开幕式。原军委副主席兼国防部长迟浩田专门题写了一幅“功勋卓著肝胆照人”书法作品,原中央军委副主席张万年则题写了一幅“浩然正气”书法作品,作品联展上还展出了4幅有关习仲勋不同时代的油画等书画作品。

Beijing baby-killer sentenced to death – Xinhua Han Lei, 39, a man who was accused of killing a two-year-old girl by throwing her to the ground, is on trial at the Beijing No. 1 Intermediate People’s Court in Beijing, capital of China, Sept. 25, 2013. Han was sentenced to death by the court on Wednesday. Han grabbed the girl from her carriage and hurled her to the ground in the Daxing District of Beijing on July 23, after an argument with the toddler’s mother over a parking space. The girl was severely injured and died days later despite treatment

河南式土改 – 经济观察网 - 专业财经新闻网站 导语:一方通过购买指标满足发展需求,一方通过拍卖指标搞创收。如何建立稳定的利益分享机制,让参与土地指标相关的各方均能受益土地增值,是这一模式能否持续的关键。 // Economic Observer looks at Henan-style land reform

Maskman: cyber muckraker rises|Society| Like Bruce Wayne, Zhou Xiaoyun also faces his enemies in a DIY outfit — a pair of sunglasses and a mask. And while he doesn’t have access to Batman’s high technology, he has at least harnessed the Internet as a powerful weapon. “With my sunglasses and mask, I’m a muckraker, attending public events and exposing the inside story. Taking them off, I can fade into the crowd like a nobody,” said the man who has risen to fame in China as an online crusader for public justice.

Reform of SOEs Should Mean Establishing Modern Governance – Caixin Editorial It is time, too, to review the place of Communist Party committees, workers’ congresses and unions in SOEs. For too long, the party committee has become the de facto board of directors, and the party secretary automatically becomes the board chairman. Such arrangements have been the breeding ground for corruption, as the convictions of many errant executives have shown. Business must be run according to market rules. The shareholders are owners of the company; the board of directors represents shareholders’ interests, chart the company’s strategic direction and supervise its management; a board chairman, as convener of the board, should not be the party secretary, whose main job should be to guide the political ideology of party members.

“Struggling” against constitutionalism – China Media Project Readers may remember Qian Gang’s analysis on September 2 in which he showed that the attack on constitutionalism had not yet reached core official Party media. While there were important pieces appearing online, and in less representative (of the central leadership) publications like the overseas edition of the People’s Daily, nothing had yet appeared in either the People’s Daily or the Party journal Seeking Truth. That has now changed. In a piece called “Leaders Must Enhance the Strength of Their Political Convictions” (领导干部必须增强政治定力) run in yesterday’s edition of the People’s Daily, Yuan Chunqing (袁纯清), the top leader of Shanxi province, directly criticized liberalism, democratic socialism, universal values and “Western constitutionalism and democracy.” These ideas, he said, “are wrong ideas intended to throw China off the track of socialism and break it away from the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.”



China gaining market share in military drones|Society| China is gaining a bigger share in the international military drone market, with at least one new buyer for its homegrown Wing Loong unmanned aerial vehicle reported this week, according to a senior executive in a State-owned aviation company. “More than two clients are using Wing Loong, and they have told us that they are very satisfied with the drone’s capability and performance,” said Ma Zhiping, general manager of China National Aero-Technology Import and Export Corp. He made the comments at the 15th Aviation Expo/China, which opened in Beijing on Wednesday and lasts four days.

China unveils its first and unnamed moon rover – Xinhua Chinese scientists described the country’s first moon rover on Wednesday and invited the global public to come up with a name for it. Zhao Xiaojin, director of the aerospace department of the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, depicted the lunar rover an orbiter adaptable to harsh environments; a highly efficient and integrated robot; and a high altitude “patrolman” carrying the dreams of Asia. The Chang’e-3 mission to moon, named after a Chinese lunar goddess, will take place in December, when a Chinese spacecraft will soft-land on a celestial body for the first time. //I suggest 明月

王文:抢占国际思想市场,可从非洲开始–人大重阳网思想与文化市场就像是商品市场的竞争。从基础设施建设,到小商品出口,再到像华为、中兴等公司这样的高科技产品,中国走出去大都在第三世界取得了巨大成功,在欧美市场的阻力都相当大。因此,认清对手,把握市场现状走向,学会田忌赛马的迂回策略,从亚、非、拉等第三世界的市场着手,是目前中国文化与思想走出去的务实之举。 (作者是中国人民大学重阳金融研究院执行副院长,近著有《大国的幻象:行走世界的日记和思考》)

China adoption agency furious over ‘child exchange’ report | Reuters China’s adoption agency said it was “very shocked and furious” about the findings in a Reuters report that exposed how U.S. parents use the Internet to abandon unwanted children they have adopted from abroad, including China.



China’s smartphone shipments to exceed 450 million in 2014: IDC | Reuters The world’s biggest smartphone market China will likely ship in more than 450 million devices in 2014, at least a quarter more than this year, research firm IDC said. IDC said the increase will be driven by the government’s issuance of 4G licences and expectations that China Mobile Ltd, the world’s biggest wireless operator, would carry iPhones by then.

China will get 4G before year’s end, says MIIT chief–TechinAsia MIIT chief Miao Wei has come right out and said that China is getting a 4G network before the year ends. Miao made the announcement at the 2013 Beijing International Communications Conference yesterday while touring Huawei’s exhibition hall.

Sogou sues Qihoo 360 over dirty tricks – Xinhua Zhou Hongyi not taking Sogou’s rejection of Qihoo in favor of Tencent well// Also on Wednesday, Qihoo 360 announced it would sue Sogou and its CEO Wang Xiaochuan for unfair competition and damaging its reputation at two separate courts in Beijing, requesting total compensation of 51 million yuan. The courts have not confirmed the lawsuits.



Matricide and the Cultural Revolution: the story of Zhang Hongbing | An Optimist’s Guide to ChinaThis is the story of Zhang Hongbing, a man who turned his own mother over to the authorities to be shot for her counter-revolutionary ideas. It’s a story of collective madness, family betrayal and individual repentance. The post below is largely paraphrased and in some places translated (denoted in block quotes) from interviews Zhang has given to Chinese media outlets, particularly 新民周刊. I give the outline of events below and a brief comment of my own at the end.

Unequal in Life and Death – China Real Time Report – WSJ Chinese cyberspace Wednesday was popping with a basic question: What’s different about a kebab vendor named Xia Junfeng and Gu Kailai, the wife of once-powerful Chinese politician Bo Xilai and the daughter of a celebrated revolutionary? Mainly: Mr. Xia is dead, executed on Wednesday, while Ms. Gu remains alive in prison. Though Ms. Gu hails from China’s elite and Mr. Xia from the nation’s masses of laobaixing, both are murderers, according to Chinese courts.



Experts: Be alert of H7N9 amid flu seasons – Xinhua ecommerce and logistics firms ready for a huge spike in business if there is an outbreak? // The avian influenza strain of H7N9 is highly likely to return and affect humans in the autumn and winter on the Chinese mainland, warned Zeng Guang, chief epidemiologist at the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. China has remained free of new human H7N9 cases for more than a month since the last fatality — a 51-year-old woman who died of multiple organ failure caused by the virus on Aug 12 in Huizhou, Guangdong province — according to the National Health and Family Planning Commission. The woman, who was transferred from Langfang, Hebei province, in mid July, worked in slaughtering poultry at a local market.

Cnooc of China Wins Uganda’s First Oil Production License – Bloomberg China National Offshore Oil Corp. won a $2 billion production license in Uganda, the first to be approved by the African nation as it seeks to tap reserves discovered seven years ago. Cnooc will develop the Kingfisher area in the Albertine region over four years, Peter Lokeris, Uganda’s minister of state for mineral development, said today in the capital, Kampala. The area is estimated to hold 635 million barrels, of which 196 million barrels are recoverable.

China’s Basketball Giant Again Presses Case for Elephant Conservation – Yao Ming, the 7-foot-6-inch N.B.A. veteran, is on the road again pressing the case for curbing the ivory trade and the relentless poaching of elephants. With the help of the conservation group WildAid, he paid a fresh visit to the Daphne Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage abutting Nairobi National Park in Kenya. On his blog (translated to English) he describes how a particularly tiny elephant that he walked with in 2012 had died

北京地区养老院调查:入住要等166年|北京地区|养老院|调查_21世纪网 shortage of elder care in China is shocking, and a huge opportunity// 另外,一些高档养老社区销售得比较火爆。在北京九华山庄养老酒店,销售人员表示,入住条件为保证金(行情 股吧 买卖点)加租金,租金每年1万-2万元,保证金根据户型不同分为60万元、90万元、120万元、160万元不等。一般情况下每人每月租金1000-2000元加2000多元的其他费用。目前公司两栋养老公寓中一栋已经预订满员,另外一栋已经有被多人预订,“好户型不多了”。



奶荒来袭:蒙牛伊利三元终端涨价|奶荒|原奶|涨价_21世纪网 shortage of raw milk in China leading to retail milk price rise // 奶荒来袭引发原奶价格上涨。乳业王丁棉告诉记者:由于7月份以来,原奶供应紧缺,国内奶价已经逼近瑞典,成为世界第二高价奶。



Beijing sewage plants lag behind |Society | Statistics from the Beijing Water Authority show that only 83 percent of the city’s wastewater is treated, with the remaining 17 percent discharged into rivers without treatment. The population of the city has far exceeded infrastructure capacity, said Han Yongqi, director of the management office of water and ecological environment at the bureau. The city’s water pollution treatment facilities are based on the city’s population hitting 18 million by the end of 2020, he said. However, the pace of growth has been seriously underestimated. The capital’s population exceeded 20 million last year, according to the city’s statistics bureau.