The Sinocism China Newsletter 10.22.14

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Today’s Links:


For Chinese, a Remarkable Sight: Freewheeling Debate on Democracy – NYTimes The students wanted officials to commit to greater liberties in future elections. “What is the next step?” Alex Chow, 24, the secretary general of the Hong Kong Federation of Students, asked Hong Kong’s No. 2 official, Carrie Lam, 57. Officials in the two-hour debate made no promises and said they were there to listen. Still, the exchange suggested a softening in the crisis that has convulsed Hong Kong for nearly a month and a possible exit ramp from it.

Related: Hong Kong Students Debate Government on Live TV-Huffington Post Government officials pledged during the debate to submit a report to Beijing reflecting the views of Hong Kong residents, and earlier in the day embattled Chief Executive C.Y. Leung had hinted at potential compromise on the makeup of the nominating committee. In an interview, Leung suggested that there was “room to make the nominating committee more democratic,” but demonstrators watching the debates at Hong Kong’s Admiralty protest site were unimpressed by the government offer. “Everything the government said this time is stuff you could read off their website. Where’s the progress there?” asked Leo Mak, a 36-year-old IT professional who has been attending the protests for weeks. “The Hong Kong Federation of Students came to talks with sincerity, but the government isn’t sincerely trying to resolve the problems.”

Related: Talks fail to narrow gap between student leaders and Hong Kong government | South China Morning Post Carrie Lam called on protesters to withdraw, but federation leaders said they would not retreat as the government had not given any concrete response. Lam said the government respected the students’ passion in pursuing democracy, but added: “However respectful one’s ideal is, it should be achieved by reasonable and lawful ways.” Tens of thousands of people at the protest sites in Admiralty, Causeway Bay and Mong Kok watched the televised talks – the first face-to-face dialogue between top officials and activists in the city’s history.

Is This the New Face of China’s Silent Majority?–Foreign Policy China’s president recently lauded Zhou Xiaoping for spreading “positive energy.” But many of his writings are rants against the United States…As a review of Zhou’s work on social media site Douban argues, the main themes of Zhou’s articles are about “obligations and responsibilities of the citizens and warm emotions toward the government,” while “all political opinions or criticisms toward the government are depicted as immoral and are conspiracies from the United States.” The review calls Zhou a “dangerous signal” because he’s “being accepted by the mainstream public and official media. It almost suggests that the government and society is heading to madness.” (The post has since been deleted, but is available on a mirror site.)

Related: 方舟子炮轰周小平满嘴跑火车:他梦游美利坚(图) | Wenxuecity Fang Zhouzi attempts to dismember Zhou Xiaoping in a blog post. Brave in this environment  //  此人有两篇博文引起我的注意。2010年9月肖传国因雇凶袭击我被抓获后,周小平写了一篇《当世上没有方舟子,天下就和谐了。》,大骂我对唐骏、肖传国搞“学术敲诈”,是“无赖”,义正词严地宣布:“历史终将证明:我们这个社会需要的不是方舟子,而是尽可能地少一些这样的无赖。立此为据。”难怪清华大学肖鹰教授说:“今日中国文化三个代表——拜金文化代表郭敬明,骗子文化代表韩寒,流氓文化代表周小平。” 另一篇是周小平的一篇宏文《梦碎美利坚》,里面列举的关于美国的种种不是,几乎全是他胡思乱想捏造出来的。他这是梦游美利坚吧?我们就来看看他是怎么梦游的。

Related: Minitrue: Fang Zhouzi Digs into Zhou Xiaoping – China Digital Times (CDT) Do not hype the article “Fang Zhouzi Attacks Zhou Xiaoping: Sleepwalking Through America, Then Denouncing the Country’s Crimes.” If you have already posted the story, please remove it immediately. (October 20, 2014) 《方舟子打假周小平:梦里游趟美国便控诉美国罪恶》一文不炒作,已经转发的请立即删除。

Related: Fei Chang Dao: Baidu, Qihoo, Sina, and Tencent Silence Fang Zhouzi After He Criticizes Zhou Xiaoping – Blogger Praised by China’s President At 9:00 am on October 20, 2014, online commentator Fang Zhouzi (方舟子) posted an essay on his Baidu Baijia blog entitled “Zhou Xiaoping Sleepwalks Through America” (周小平梦游美利坚). In his essay Fang outlined certain facts that might be considered loophole or imperfections in Zhou’s September 19, 2014 essay published on the website of “Party Building” magazine entitled “The Broken American Dream” (梦碎美利坚). The following day, Fang posted the following announcement (now deleted) on his Tencent Weibo: This Weibo was deleted by Tencent, and the long-form essay that I wrote – “‘An Online Writer’ Sleepwalks Through America,” was deleted after I published it on Baidu.

Related: 中共党媒谈周小平:大狗叫,也得让小狗叫_中国-多维新闻网 文章称,对于争议的焦点——周小平,我们可以赞同他的观点,也可以议论他的某些观点还略显幼稚、他的文字技巧还有些生硬,甚至,也可以怀疑他的某些经历。但我们必须要先明确一个基本前提:“那就是他这些言论的最终目的是为了什么。”如果他不是为了一己私利,他不是为了阴暗的目的,那我们不但可以原谅他的某些缺点,还可以帮助他、鼓励甚至刺激他在改正缺点的基础上前行。 这篇署名栾楠仁的评论文章说,契诃夫讲过,大狗叫,也得让小狗叫。在网络大V的“主流声音”之外,我们这个互联网时代需要一些不同的声音,这才公平和热闹。而人无完人,纵然周小平有些许不足,但瑕不掩瑜,我们这个时代恰恰需要一个略带瑕疵的周小平!

Related: 瑕不掩瑜,我们需要一个略带瑕疵的周小平–观点–人民网 这几天,“周小平”这个名字已经火得不能再火。虽然,有些争议已经超出了正常讨论的范围,但我感觉这依然是可以转化为有益讨论的好现象。毕竟,在合理合法范围内进行不同观点的讨论,有益于我们思维的清晰和我们国家的不断进步和强大。 对于争议的焦点——周小平,我们可以赞同他的观点,也可以议论他的某些观点还略显幼稚、他的文字技巧还有些生硬,甚至,也可以怀疑他的某些经历。但我们必须要先明确一个基本前提:“那就是他这些言论的最终目的是为了什么。”如果他不是为了一己私利,他不是为了阴暗的目的,那我们不但可以原谅他的某些缺点,还可以帮助他、鼓励甚至刺激他在改正缺点的基础上前行。

Researchers Cast Doubt on State Council Goals to Cut Air Pollution – Caixin On September 25, Tsinghua University and the Clean Air Alliance of China, an air quality research group, published an evaluation of the policies proposed in the 2013 plan. He Kebin, the director of the School of Environment at Tsinghua University and the leader of the research, said that “if the measures are fully implemented, it would effectively improve the air quality in the Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei region.” But He and his team concluded that even if all the measures are put into practice, PM2.5 levels would fall by 25.6 percent in Beijing, 18.7 percent in Tianjin and 14.7 percent in Hebei by 2017. That means that both the province surrounding Beijing and the eastern port city will fall short of the government’s targets. Even in Beijing, which is expected to meet its target, the annual average PM2.5 density will only decrease to 65.8 micrograms per cubic meter.

Related: Hebei orders factory shutdowns to stop smog casting pall over Apec | South China Morning Post In all, 805 factories will stop output and 223 will cut emissions for 12 days. If Beijing records heavy pollution – an AQI reading over 200, production will stop at another 563 factories and 795 more will reduce emissions. All polluting factories within a 100km radius of Beijing will come to a halt, except for thermal power plants, which will have to cut emissions by 30 per cent.

Related: China daily steel output rises to near record high in Sept | Reuters how much in Hebei?  //  China produced 67.54 million tonnes of crude steel in September, down 2 percent from the previous month and flat compared to the corresponding month of 2013, data from the National Bureau of Statistics showed on Tuesday. But the daily output rate rose to 2.25 million tonnes from 2.22 million tonnes in August, driven by a slight improvement in industrial activity. This was the highest since June when output touched a record of 2.31 million tonnes per day.

Related: Beijing, neighboring cities dominate Q3 smog list – Xinhua Beijing and eight of its neighboring cities were among the 10 Chinese cities with the worst air quality in the third quarter of 2014, though they have seen improvement in the past three months, the ministry of environmental protection said on Tuesday. The only city outside the notoriously smoggy Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to make the list — published by the environment ministry on a regular basis — is Jinan, capital of east China’s Shandong province, which topped the list.

Related: 北京未来三天又迎来雾霾天 入围空气最差黑名单_新闻_腾讯网 another smog storm hitting Beijing today, likely to last through Friday..good inspiration to work on the DC and Seattle-area school applications for our kids

Related: Smog Is Driving Tourists Away From China, Report Says – China Real Time Report – WSJ According to a report released Monday by the China Tourism Academy, 129 million tourists visited the country in 2013, down 2.5% from the previous year. Meanwhile, the degree of satisfaction reported by tourists dropped by 11% in 2013 from the year prior, to “basically satisfied,” the report said. Among the reasons the academy cited to explain the drop in tourist happiness was the “natural environment,” as well as levels of access for the disabled and water quality.

Nepoch drops ties with ‘princeling’ He Jintao: sources | Reuters China private equity firm Nepoch Capital has erased its princeling backer He Jintao from the documents it shows investors after he was questioned in connection with a corruption investigation, sources have told Reuters. Nepoch’s distancing from its co-founder, son of former head of Communist Party discipline He Guoqiang, was a direct result of his being questioned earlier in May, said one of the sources, an investor in the fund.

China Attack Aims at iCloud, Apple’s Service For Storage – “All signs point to the Chinese government’s involvement,” said Michael Sutton, vice president for threat research at Zscaler, a San Jose, Calif., security company. “Evidence suggests this attack originated in the core backbone of the Chinese Internet and would be hard to pull off if it was not done by a central authority like the Chinese government.” The targeting also potentially reveals a new Chinese government effort to adapt to initiatives by Internet companies — most notably new encryption techniques — to protect user data from government spying. “The Chinese government could no longer sniff traffic, so they intercepted that traffic between the browser and the iCloud server,” Mr. Sutton said.

Related: Apple Aware of iCloud Login Harvesting in China, Launches Browser Security Guide – Mac Rumors Apple is deeply committed to protecting our customers’ privacy and security. We’re aware of intermittent organized network attacks using insecure certificates to obtain user information, and we take this very seriously. These attacks don’t compromise iCloud servers, and they don’t impact iCloud sign in on iOS devices or Macs running OS X Yosemite using the Safari browser.

经济参考网 – 央行酝酿农地抵押试点整体方案 中农办主任陈锡文称,改革涉及的修法将参考自贸区模式 Xinhua’s economic Information says PBoC working on plan for pilot program to allow mortgages on rural land…paper spoke with Chen Xiwen, deputy head of the Rural Work Small Group, about it  //  新一轮农村土地制度改革提速,改革所涉及的法律法规修订成为当前工作的一大重点。伴随着越来越多的金融机构积极试点农村土地承包经营权抵押贷款业务,其面临的现行法律法规抵触问题日益突出。日前,中央农村工作领导小组副组长、办公室主任陈锡文在接受《经济参考报》记者采访时表示,现在央行有关部门正在研究制定方案,对农村土地承包经营权抵押贷款试点工作进行整体部署。改革中所有涉及修法的内容则将参考上海自贸区“先行先试”的做法,即在部分试点地区经过授权后方能开展,待成果经过检验后再考虑是否在全国内修法。

What They Did on Their Summer Vacation | Hoover Institution by Alice L. Miller Tuesday, October 21, 2014 As some members of the Xi Jinping leadership retreated to the seaside summer resort at Beidaihe, several events and trends converged in anticipation of a Central Committee plenum later this fall.  These include the waning stages of the mass line campaign to improve party work style, a series of takedowns of high-level leaders in the campaign against party corruption, and the celebration of the 110th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping’s birth.  Taken together, they point to a coordinated drive to press comprehensive reforms that were mandated when the Xi leadership took power in 2012 and that were elaborated in November 2013.

Related: Barry Naughton: It’s All in the Execution: Struggling with the Reform Agenda | Hoover Institution China’s authoritative leadership small groups have met and struggled to define priorities within China’s broad reform agenda.  The issue of government privileges is in the forefront, as state executive compensation faces questions, and SASAC launches a reform initiative seemingly designed to maintain its own privileges and position.  Still, multiple decentralized initiatives keep the reform movement alive.

Al-Qaeda magazine calls for Xinjiang to be ‘recovered by the Islamic Caliphate’ | South China Morning Post Produced by the jihadist organisation’s As-Sahab media wing, the 117-page debut issue of Resurgence includes a feature titled “Did You Know? 10 Facts About East Turkistan,” referring to the name for Xinjiang used by those who advocate independence from China. While much of the article is inaccurate – it claims, for example, that teaching the Quran is illegal in China (Islam is one of the country’s five recognised official religions) – it shows how China’s actions in the region, such as encouraging the migration of Han Chinese into Xinjiang and restricting religious dress, are being used by jihadist organisations to confirm their belief that Muslims are under threat.



PBOC Gives Banks 300 Bln Yuan Reason to Start Lending More – Caixin The central has decided to extend up to 300 billion yuan worth of short-term loans to 11 banks, including joint-stock banks and some city commercial lenders, bankers with knowledge of the move said. The decision, made on October 17, was intended to encourage banks to lend more, the bankers said. Some of the banks had already received the capital as of October 20 and others would get it soon, the bankers said. Each of the banks would get at least 20 billion yuan at an interest rate of 3.5 percent or more, the bankers said. The maturity of the loans is three months.

朱云来并非安邦董事_金融频道_财新网 Caixin says Levin Zhu never officially an Anbang director, never signed the paperwork, company mistakenly listed him as one, has now updated its director list as of 9.25 to no longer include Zhu // 朱云来早期曾口头答应出任安邦的董事,但不久后就告知安邦,不打算出任董事,也从未签署任何相关法律文件。但安邦一直没有更新董事名单,后又称工商登记出错,直到今年9月25日才更新

地方政府性存量债务将新老划断 在建项目安排过渡期_金融频道_财新网 Caixin-each province required to provide full account of government debts in province by Jan 5, 2015, after submission approved the level debt will not be allowed to increase  //  省级财政部门需在2015年1月5日前汇总本地区存量债务的清理结果,上报财政部;这一结果经国务院批准后,将被锁定,只能减不能增。融资平台将通过关闭、合并、转型等方式分类处置

China Vehicle Sales Forecast Cut Again as Demand Slows – Bloomberg Dong Yang, secretary general of the state-backed China Association of Automobile Manufacturers, said total passenger and commercial vehicle sales for the full year would likely hit 23 million units, or an increase of about 4.6 percent. In July, the group lowered its projection for the increase in China vehicle sales to 8.3 percent, or 23.83 million units, down from the 10 percent increase it predicted in January.

Tesla Motors to Sell Model S on Alibaba’s Tmall on Singles’ Day – TechNode any discount?  //  Tesla Motors has decided to sell its model S through Alibaba’s e-commerce platform Tmall on Nov. 11, joining the shopping festival of Singles’ Day. It is the first time that Tesla’s cars are sold other than their own website in China.

Ship Rates Rise Most on Record as China Seen Buying Ore – Bloomberg Daily rates for Capesize vessels hauling about 160,000 metric tons of the commodity jumped 38 percent to $12,580 today, according to the Baltic Exchange in London, a shipping bourse tracking freight rates on more than 50 routes. The advance was the biggest in percentage terms in data starting in March 1999. Costs climbed by more in dollar terms in December. China, the world’s biggest importer of iron ore, is buying record amounts of the commodity at a time when its growth is slowing. The Asian country received an average of 77.72 million tons a month this year, customs data show.

China central bank seen playing safe as slowdown fans policy debate | Reuters After the economy slowed in the first quarter, the government announced a series of support measures over the following three months that boosted growth. But President Xi ended the debate in July by throwing his weight behind reforms as the driver of growth, the source said. “The big change came in July when Xi spoke about the ‘new normal’. The government decided to abandon stimulus and focus on reforms,” the source said. At a secret meeting in September, top leaders agreed to put reform ahead of stimulus and accept economic growth could come in below target, policy insiders told Reuters.

What is Beijing going to do about slowing growth?–CNBC Evan Feigenbaum, Vice Chairman, Paulson Institute, says investors are concerned about what action Beijing policymakers will take in light of expected slowing gross domestic product (GDP) data.

多地纷纷建”高铁新城”:楼盘滞销或成鬼城_网易新闻中心 high speed rail cities”..some cities launching huge developments around the new HSR stations, well-founded fears will create more “ghost towns” //  核心提示:据调查,多地在城郊高铁站周边开发“新城”。然而,由于新城地处偏远,就业、服务等资源匮乏,开盘后市场购买力明显不足。有的新城被规划为集生产、居住、商贸、休闲为一体的复合型城市系统,然而实际建设中许多项目停滞,有的只砌着围墙,墙内仍然种着庄稼。

余永定:货币政策转型的长久之计_金融频道_财新网 Caixin interviews Yu Yongding about monetary policy  //  中国社科院学部委员、曾任央行货币政策委员会委员的余永定,在接受财新记者采访时指出,货币政策转型,有两大任务。其一,重新确认(或调整)货币政策的最终目标和中间目标,并完善和创造相应货币政策工具;其二,发展和完善各类金融市场,在此基础上形成相应的收益率曲线。否则,中国就难以主要依赖利率调控宏观经济。 对于2014年以来多项货币政策措施被赋予的结构调整目标,余永定认为,货币政策不应该承担结构调整的任务,目前这些措施能否达到结构调整的目的,尚待时间检验。

经济参考网 – 土地收入大降 9月财收仅增6.3% September government revenue growth slowest since September 2008 // 9月财政收支数据如预期般延续疲软态势。财政部21日发布数据显示,9月全国财政收入9953亿元,比去年同月增加591亿元,同比增长6.3%。 据《经济参考报》记者统计,这一数据仅高于2008年9月的财政收入增幅,而远低于之后几年同期。数据显示,2009年9月全国财政收入同比增长33%;2010年9月全国财政收入同比增长12.1%;2011年9月全国财政收入同比增长17.3%;2012年9月全国财政收入同比增长11.9%;2013年9月全国财政收入同比增长13.4%。

新政发酵 一线楼市成交现“井喷” _财经频道_一财网 CBN on significant pop in real estate transaction volumes in Tier 1 cities since PBoC latest policy changes  //  中信建投数据显示,上周(10月13日~19日)一线城市商品住宅成交量环比上升79.87%。其中,北京商品住宅成交面积24.51万平方米,环比上升133.95%;上海商品住宅成交面积49.85万平方米,环比上升78.46%;深圳商品住宅成交9.98万平方米,环比上升69.06%;广州商品住宅成交24.02万平方米,环比上升50.77%。 “央行的利好政策一出,很多消费者会觉得楼市已经见底,纷纷开始购买。”仲量联行华东区研究部总监周志锋对《第一财经日报》记者表示。

China signals dropping its tariff on coal imports after free trade deal is reached | The Australian CHINA has flagged a repeal of the newly introduced tariff on Australia coal imports once a free trade agreement between the two countries is finalised. Treasurer Joe Hockey met with Chinese Finance Minister Lou Jiwei in Beijing today ahead of the APEC Finance Minister’s meeting tomorrow. China made the surprise move a fortnight ago to introduce levies of 3 per cent on coking coal and 6 per cent on thermal coal for countries with which it did not hold an FTA.



人民日报评论员:用法治精神推进改革大业–观点–人民网 page 1 People’s Daily on using the “rule of law spirit” to push through reform…fourth plenum and “governing the country according to law” clearly linked in official media to reform program laid out at 3rd plenum…skeptics abound, but don’t assume there is no plan  //  人们常用“前所未有”来描述深水区的中国改革:改革发展稳定任务之重前所未有,矛盾风险挑战之多前所未有。涉激流,行险滩,靠什么冲破观念障碍、纾解发展之困?历史和经验告诉我们,推动中国改革破浪前行,离不开法治的引领。 “在整个改革过程中,都要高度重视运用法治思维和法治方式,发挥法治的引领和推动作用”,习近平总书记的要求,正是对改革与法治关系的深刻总结,也明确指出了继续推进改革大业的法治路径。从十八届三中全会在全面深化改革蓝图中强调“建设法治中国”,到正在召开的十八届四中全会首次以依法治国为主题,一年之间,两大主题,宣示了我们党高扬法治旗帜、开创全面深化改革新格局的坚定信念。

习近平的“法治观”:“奉法者强则国强”–时政–人民网 2014年2月28日的中央全面深化改革领导小组第二次会议,习近平强调,凡属重大改革都要于法有据。在整个改革过程中,都要高度重视运用法治思维和法治方式,发挥法治的引领和推动作用,加强对相关立法工作的协调,确保在法治轨道上推进改革。 在中央全面深化改革领导小组第四、第五次会议上,习近平两次提出要处理好改革与相关法律立改废的关系。在后一次的会议上,他指出,改革所涉及的法律法规立改废及试点工作所需法律授权问题,要与立法部门主动衔接,相向而行、同步推进。

Language Log » Rule of / by law Conclusion:  When fǎzhì 法治 is being used to designate the application of law as it is conceived of by the Chinese Communist Party, I would be very careful always to translate it as “rule by law”.  When we are referring to the application of law as it is conceived of in the West, then I would be careful to translate it as “rule of law”.

Xi Sends Mixed Signals on Rule of Law – WSJ – WSJ If the legal reforms amount to nothing more than an iron fist in a velvet glove, it may ignite trouble. The mere announcement that the Fourth Plenum will examine rule-of-law issues has set off popular expectations for further liberalization that, if disappointed, could exacerbate the very social tensions that Mr. Xi is seeking to calm. //  not sure how many “popular expectations” there are…but whatever ones there are come directly from the party center playing up the plenum in its media, so either the folks running propaganda are clueless or they believe enough will come out of the plenum to satisfy the expectations that have been created

Joshua Rosenzweig: The Credibility Crisis in China’s Courts – WSJ – WSJ The reason why China’s die-hard lawyers have become so controversial—and why the authorities bar them from practice and even throw them in jail—is because they are at the forefront of a growing skepticism about an authoritarian model of justice overly focused on preserving stability. Instead, they insist that the Chinese legal system operate within a framework of commonly understood principles of fairness that constitute an autonomous moral authority separate from the Party-state. Their vision of justice relies on the existence of an impartial judiciary authority to put those principles into practice, but this is fundamentally irreconcilable with the idea, long dominant in China, that judicial authority is an extension of state power. This is why, though it’s a phrase we’re likely to see in media coverage of the Fourth Plenum, China’s legal reforms should not be understood as a strengthening of the rule of law

China Tries to Hold On to Judges by Offering Freer Hand – WSJ – WSJ Party leaders this week are expected to review and endorse a pilot program, already under way in Shanghai, that grants judges special bureaucratic status distinct from other civil servants, raises their salaries, and gives them more power over trials and decisions, according to a summary published by state media in July. The program aims to minimize the interference from local officials that judges find so maddening by transferring power over lower-court budgets and personnel up to provincial authorities, according to state media summaries. Unlike in the U.S., Chinese judges typically come to the courts straight from law school, ascending to the bench after only a couple of years as clerks. They often move on to careers as lawyers later.

山西反腐转战“城中村” CBN on grassroots corruption in Shanxi…perhaps an even more Sisyphean task for Wang Qishan than taking down tigers…10M RMB to buy a village chief post in Shanxi…and then you have to get a return on that investment, usually by screwing villagers for their land to sell cheaply to developers…this grassroots corruption is the root of so much instability in China, but a common theme across China’s long history, not just a CPC phenomenon  // 《第一财经(微博)日报》记者实地探访太原城中村发现,太原一些所谓的城中村改造,早已成为村干部伙同开发商敛财的工具。“村干部当选后,做的第一件事往往就是搞开发,有的甚至连开发商都不找,自己直接上阵,这些项目大多没有土地和住建部门的手续,连小产权房都谈不上。”太原的一位房地产开发商告诉《第一财经日报》记者。

昆明纪委否认晋宁征地补偿款存巨大差额_网易新闻中心 Kunming CCDI denies reports money missing from Jinning land compensation

昆明市委常委、常务副市长李喜接受组织调查——要闻——中央纪委监察部网站 Kunming Executive Deputy Mayor is under investigation

China’s anti-corruption campaign could hurt Aussie unis | Little Red Blog  China is the biggest offshore market for Australia’s universities and tertiary institutions, contributing more than 25% of total student numbers, and demand from China has bounced back in the past few years after a series of own goals by the previous Labor government. One of the key reasons for Chinese student demand has been for them to get permanent residency — and then bring their mothers out, creating what is called the “naked official” syndrome in China, where an official is left by himself in China, with the family safely tucked away overseas as they funnel money offshore — often through Australian property purchases.

原云南省委书记高严成为海外追逃关键目标_新闻_腾讯网 Didn’t realize that Gao Gang’s son Gao Yan was a corrupt official who fled 12 years ago, and may be a target of current efforts to arrest officials who have fled overseas

Cross-Currents E-Journal (No. 12) | Cross-Currents whole issue on Islam and China  //  Rather than China versus Islam, the overarching theme of this special issue is “Islam in China/China in Islam.” In thinking through “Islam in China,” we argue that the relationship between China and Islam is not one of opposition, but rather one of cultural, linguistic, and economic imbrication.

Property: How Beijing has captured China’s middle-class–Lowy Interpreter The Government Next Door [the book on Amazon] by Luigi Tomba explains exquisitely how Beijing’s policies have been instrumentalised at the local and neighbourhood level. The Chinese state has built a compartmentalised and highly controlled system of local bodies which manage housing privileges, welfare and livelihoods. As Tomba says, ‘The liberalization of housing markets has resulted, somewhat counter-intuitively, in the use of residential space as a tool to facilitate a wide range of governmental interventions.’ An observant visitor to a Chinese city notices two things: high walls and security guards. Tomba saw that ‘Chinese planners, real estate tycoons, and citizens alike appear to share a passion for gated communities.’ For the rich they provide relative autonomy and security, and promote powerful conservative ideals. The omnipresent guards reinforce cellular segregation, in what Tomba calls the ‘forting-up’ of Chinese cities.

Veteran Chinese democracy activist Chen Ziming dies from cancer | Reuters Chen Ziming, a veteran Chinese dissident who was jailed by Beijing for what it said was his role as one of two “black hands” behind the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests, died of cancer on Tuesday, friends said. He was 62. Chen remained a moderate critic of China’s ruling Communist Party for decades despite serving 13 years in prison for what authorities said was intent to overthrow the government and the spread of counter-revolutionary propaganda.

China ‘executed 2,400 people last year’, rights group reveals | South China Morning Post China put 2,400 people to death last year, a US-based human rights group said yesterday, shedding rare light on a statistic Beijing considers a state secret. The figure was a fall of 20 per cent from 2012, the Dui Hua Foundation said, and a fraction of the 12,000 in 2002.

Xinhua Insight: Time to rethink China’s “civil servant fever” – Xinhua BEIJING, Oct. 21 (Xinhua) — This year’s ten-day registration period for the national civil service examination will run until Friday with at least 22,200 government spots to be filled, a new historical high. Nearly 340,000 people applied to take the exam as of Monday morning, about 100,000 fewer applicants than at the same time last year, according to Zhonggong Education, a test preparation company.

An Essay on Officialism (Guanben Zhuyi): A Political Analysis of Chinese Traditional Society by Yu Keping – Springer looks interesting, don’t have the full paper //  This paper formulates a new paradigm, ‘officialism’ (Guanben Zhuyi or 官本主义), and uses it to analyse China’s traditional society. The author argues that officialism is an official based doctrine and a political culture and socio-political system which takes official power and authority as its core element. Under this culture and system, relationships of official power and authority are the most important social relationships. They become the basic standard for measuring a person’s social value, and they are the determining factor influencing a person’s social status and social attributes.

三男子操控无人机非法航拍 军机出动迫降_新闻_腾讯网 3 men to go on trial in Beijing for flying a drone, surveying illegally, charge is “endangering public security”  //  晨报讯(记者 彭小菲)因在明知所属公司不具备航空摄影测绘资质且未申请空域的情况下,操控无人机升空进行地貌拍摄,导致多架次民航飞机避让、延误,直至空军出动直升机将其迫降,郝某、乔某、李某三人因过失以危险方法危害公共安全罪被提起公诉。昨天,记者了解到,平谷法院近期将开庭审理此案。 据了解,三名被告人中,郝某今年38岁,初中文化,北京国遥星图航空科技有限公司飞行队队长;员工乔某和李某都是27岁,分别为中专、大专文化。



China, U.S. reaffirm commitment to building new model of major-country relationship – Xinhua | Rice said that President Obama is looking forward to attending the upcoming APEC summit and meeting with President Xi again. The U.S. side is willing to make joint efforts with China to ensure Obama’s visit a success and to promote active results of the APEC summit, she said. She pledged that Washington is committed to continuing the efforts to build a new model of major-country relationship with China, and is willing to strengthen bilateral cooperation with China in various areas, and jointly deal with regional and global challenges.

Eugene Gholz: Rare Earth Elements and National Security – Council on Foreign Relations Gholz explains why the alleged 2010 Chinese embargo of the market, which highlighted the prominence of rare earths, did not exact a greater cost on countries with rare-earth dependent supply chains, such as Japan and the United States, citing supply growth opportunities and administrative difficulties, as well as real-time adjustments in the global market. Gholz also examines the evolution of Chinese influence since 2010, particularly in light of capital investment and technological advances that have made non-Chinese producers more competitive.

Shanghai shipyard ‘to build second Chinese designed aircraft carrier’ | South China Morning Post Kanwa Asian Defence, an English-language monthly defence review produced in Toronto, said Shanghai’s Jiangnan Shipyard was preparing to start work on the carrier. When completed, the carrier and another under construction in Dalian will give the PLA Navy two fully functioning, battle-ready aircraft carriers.

China’s first submerged buoys installed in west Pacific – Xinhua China has completed a large scale installation of submerged buoys in the west Pacific ocean for the first time, a move essential to continuous observation of the ocean environment. China’s most sophisticated research vessel Kexue, or Science, returned to the eastern port city of Qingdao on Tuesday after wrapping up an 82-day ocean expedition, during which it put 17 sets of submerged buoys in the key marine areas of the west Pacific and retrieved three, according to the Institute of Oceanology, under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS).

China Policy Institute Blog » China’s Big Gamble in Space China has also reaped other benefits from space. Global perceptions of Chinese manufacturing capabilities have grown consequent to its space achievements, beyond the previous perception of being able to produce knock-off designer clothes and footwear. The number of Chinese students interested in science and manufacturing fields has increased to the extent that new schools are opening. The military benefits from dual-use space technology being developed, as well as from the significant improvement in computational capabilities and associated skills required by an ambitious space program. China recognized the multiple benefits of human spaceflight and exploration activity and was willing to commit to a long term effort to achieve them. That expensive, risky and costly gamble has paid off.  Joan Johnson-Freese is a Professor of National Security Affairs, Naval War College

Michael D. Swaine: Xi Jinping’s Trip to Latin America | Hoover Institution Finally, it aimed to strengthen political ties with the region by deepening bilateral strategic partnerships, linking China-Latin American ties with the larger global trend toward greater South-South cooperation, and eliciting local support for several key, long-standing Chinese international principles and undertakings, most notably state sovereignty and a UN-based, state-centered structure of internet governance.



Chinese firms on buying spree of HK brokerages | Business Spectator Chinese companies eager to establish a foothold in Hong Kong before a widely anticipated stock-trading link between the city and China opens this year are gobbling up small brokerages as never before. Six Hong Kong stock-brokerage and fund firms have announced deals this year, and one transaction, involving Shanghai conglomerate Fosun International Ltd. , has been completed. Two others are awaiting Hong Kong regulatory approval and three are under discussion.



Alibaba Shopping Site Red-Faced after Number of Phone Orders Faked – Caixin Recently listed e-commerce giant Alibaba Group Holdings Ltd. has found itself in a public relations ordeal because its popular shopping website was caught exaggerating the number of orders for a smartphone. Seven of Tmall’s senior executives have been punished. Wang Shuai, Alibaba’s chief marketing officer, said on October 17 on his account on Sina Weibo, the country’s version of Twitter, that the firm fired two people directly responsible for the mistake, demoted a third and reprimanded four executives, including Tmall’s president.

Apple likely to supply more iPhone 6 Plus to satisfy strong demand from China, say sourcesDigitimes Consumers in China are now able to buy the iPhone 6 directly from telecom operators, retail channels or on websites, but they have to wait for a period if they want the iPhone 6 Plus, the sources added. As a result, Apple may be forced to shift more production capacity to the 5.5-inch model, said the sources, adding that the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus supply ratio is likely to change to 55:45 from 70:30 or 65:35 set originally.

Intel’s Take on Chinese Startups and Innovation – China Real Time Report – WSJ Intel Capital President Arvind Sodhani talks about his firm’s strategy of investing in Chinese startups, how the approach fits in with Intel’s core business, and the state of innovation in Chinese tech companies. Edited excerpts:

传文化部正考虑出台符合手游特点的游戏审查新政-科技频道-和讯网 report that Ministry of Culture working on new censorship rules for mobile games  //  由于手游短平快的特点,对现有的游戏内容审查政策已构成挑战。因此,上述人士透露,手游将是明年政策调整的重点,调整方向是更便捷、更符合手游特点。同时,该人士强调,新政策的另一个原则对游戏行业的扶持,并非打压。 另据记者了解,文化部文化市场司司长庹祖海已调离,新任司长陈通已于今年9月履职。最近一次公开露面为出席10月21日举行的第四届中国移动游戏大会。

赵本山响应座谈会称睡不着 人民日报:这就对了_娱乐_腾讯网 Zhao Benshan taking heat from People’s Daily Online, wasn’t invited to Xi’s culture symposium…will be be on 2015 CCTv Spring gala?  //  [摘要]20日,人民日报微信公众号发表《赵本山激动得睡不着,这就对了!》的时评指出,赵本山这次的反应,具有十分必要的“政治正确性”。他做出的承诺,也会等待舆论的验收。

TIA Insights – Tech in Asia $10/mo..when did it launch? wonder how many subscribers it has


‘Little Apple’: The hit song all of China is singing – Yahoo News Has China found its own “Gangnam Style”? From Beijing parks to Shanghai skyscrapers and in Guangzhou factories to karaoke rooms in Macau, people are singing “Little Apple” — a song apparently so catchy it has even won over the army and police. Calling themselves the “Chopstick Brothers”, Xiao Yang and Wang Taili are neither brothers nor composers, but are responsible for a hit that has become a nationwide phenomenon.// video on youku, on youtube 

Ambitious nationwide plan to develop sports industry – and get people fit | South China Morning Post China is aiming to raise the value of its sports industry to 5 trillion yuan by 2025, the State Council, the mainland’s cabinet, announced on Monday. The State Council released its nationwide plan to develop the industry by pushing foreign investment, cutting red tape, and encouraging a new generation of sports enthusiasts.

Schwarzman Scholars » Niall Ferguson Joins Schwarzman Scholars as Distinguished Visiting Professor He joins Schwarzman Scholars in July 2016 for its inaugural class of scholars. “We are delighted to welcome Niall as our first Distinguished Visiting Professor,” said Stephen A. Schwarzman, the program’s founder. “Schwarzman Scholars aims to cultivate among future leaders a firm understanding of emerging geopolitical issues. Niall’s foreign affairs expertise and deep knowledge of global economics will be invaluable to their experience.” As a Distinguished Visiting Professor, Ferguson will reside in Schwarzman College, the residential building where the Scholars live and study, fully engaging with the students as a mentor and instructor. He will teach courses for Schwarzman Scholars, as well as for the Tsinghua School of Economics and Management, and will participate in the Schwarzman Scholars endowed lecture series in Beijing.



CNPC Plans Spending to Hasten Shale Gas Production in Sichuan – Caixin Oil giant will invest 13 billion yuan before the middle of next year to speed up extraction in the southwestern province



问题饲料油流向大陆?顶新集团否认_财经频道_一财网 1 0月21日,台湾数家媒体引述台湾彰化检方的消息称,顶新集团卷入的饲料油事件中,部分饲料油或流向大陆。一家名为越南大幸福贸易的公司向司法机关供述称,有油品销往顶新集团在大陆的事业公司。对此,顶新集团21日向《第一财经日报》否认了大幸福贸易为顶新集团在大陆的油品供应商。



Forbidden City issues annual passes – Xinhua An ordinary pass is priced at 300 yuan (about 49 U.S. dollars), while passes catering to special groups including senior citizens and students cost 150 yuan. Pass holders will be eligible to visit the museum 10 times in a year, according to the statement. However, in order to ease the traffic in peak season, the passes can not be used during the seven-day National Day holiday, beginning on Oct. 1, according to the statement.



北京中小学教师资格五年一检 告别铁饭碗_政经频道_财新网 no more automatic lifetime tenure for Beijing primary and middle school students…now to be evaluated every 5 years…guess US teachers unions stronger than China’s…  //  继浙江、江苏等试点省份后,北京中小学教师自2016年起也不再持有终身教师资格,代之以五年一检

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