The Sinocism China Newsletter 12.01.14

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Today’s Links:


1. Leader Asserts China’s Growing Role on Global Stage – The speech to the senior party cadres combined many of those elements, but there was one outstanding motif, said Christopher K. Johnson, senior adviser on China at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington. “Xi is telling the assembled audience that China now is a great power, and should start acting like one,” Mr. Johnson said. Under Mr. Xi, China would no longer stand by the famous dictum of one of his predecessors, Deng Xiaoping, that China should wait its turn on the world stage and “hide and bide,” an idea that has remained popular among some party officials. “Xi is clearly rejecting that thinking,” Mr. Johnson said.

Related: Xi Jinping’s speech: More diplomacy, less raw power – Lowy Interpreter Media coverage will probably be quick to recognise that Xi Jinping’s latest speech on Chinese foreign policy is a big deal. But the headline writers are missing the story if they focus on his pledge to uphold China’s claims in maritime disputes. As someone who has done more than his share of professional worrying about the strategic implications of China’s rise, I’ve surprised myself by reading this speech quite differently. Yes, it is a challenge to the world order we know, but not a confrontational or a jarring one. It’s subtle, and other countries should be relieved, as well as cautious.

Related: 七常委超规格开外事会 三大反常信号酿变动_国际-多维新闻网 11月28日至29日中央外事工作会议在北京召开。李克强主持会议,中共总书记习近平在会上发表重要讲话,其余五常委均参加会议。这是习近平上台以来召开的首次外事工作会议,也是中共时隔8年来再次召开外事工作会议。虽然中共仅有的这两次外事工作会议都是为了分析当前国家大势,明确新形势下的对外工作指导思想、任务,但是对比两次会议不难发现,习近平释放了几大与众不同的关键信息。

Related: 人民日报评论员:中国外交必须具有自己的特色–观点–人民网 page 1 commentary in Monday’s People’s Daily on the Central Conference on Work Relating to Foreign Affairs, ends with a line from the Li Bai poem “Hard Road“- “A great enterprise must find the right moment; I hoist my sail into the clouds and cross the mighty ocean.”// “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海。”中国外交理念,顺应了时代潮流和中华民族伟大复兴的历史使命,继承了新中国外交优良传统,凝聚了以习近平同志为总书记的党中央在外交理论和实践方面的创新成果,汲取了中华优秀传统文化精华,必将指引中国外交乘风破浪,不断夺取新的胜利。

Related: 党报批美5连发:四处插手维持霸权 小心引火烧身新闻腾讯网 People’s Daily Overseas edition criticized the US on front page five days straight from 11.25-29. Perhaps people shouldn’t get too excited about the positive Obama-Xi meeting or any claimed softening of approach at the recent foreign affairs work conference…seek truth from facts as Mao liked to say //  人民日报连续5天在头版刊发文章,分别为:美方搅局南海小心引火烧身、美国式国际治理模式当反思、新型大国关系让美国吃亏了、国际秩序嬗变炙烤美国偏执心态、“搭便车”曝出美“怨妇”心理。

2. China Drafts Bank Deposit Insurance in Move to Free Rates – Bloomberg The government will insure deposits of as much as 500,000 yuan ($81,367) per saver at each bank covered, the People’s Bank of China said in a draft rule on its website yesterday. It didn’t give a start date or detail what premiums banks may pay, saying only that they may differ depending on lenders’ management and risk conditions. The PBOC is seeking feedback through Dec. 30…The insured amount proposed will be enough to cover all the bank deposits of 99.6 percent of savers, the central bank said in a separate statement. BNP Paribas SA has estimated that a system of the type planned may cover 46 percent of deposit balances, based on past PBOC data.

Related: 经济参考网 – 存款保险条例或明年二季度实施 “隐性”存款担保时代将终结 Economic Information says new deposit insurance plan likely to be launched in Q2 2015

Related: 存款保险知识专家问答-中国人民银行 Official PBoC announcement on the new deposit insurance plan

3. 新形势下强军兴军的科学指南 essay in latest Qiushi from General Political Department on a scientific guide to the building a strong and rejuvenated military, in the wake of the recent PLA political work conference in Gutian…looks like some tense times ahead for the PLA, though not sure we will see purges at the level of those after Mao’s Gutian Conference 85 years ago  //  以整风精神解决部队中特别是领导干部中存在的突出问题。习主席重要讲话发出了向积弊开战的战斗号令。要坚持把整风整改贯穿学习贯彻全过程,围绕习主席指出的10个方面突出问题,以“三严三实”教育为载体,以高中级干部为重点,坚持眼睛向内,边教育边清理边规范。要整顿思想,以查处的重大案件为反面教材,开展警示教育,着力解决信仰缺失、道德滑坡、表里不一等问题,防范和克服特权思想、个人主义、本位主义。要整顿用人,开展干部工作大检查,集中抓好违规提升任用干部、“裸官”、干部档案“三项清理”,纠正选人用人不正之风。要整顿组织,认真检查组织生活制度落实情况,严肃开好民主生活会,严格高中级干部管理。要整顿纪律,认真贯彻党员领导干部纪律约束有关规定,加大纪检、监察、巡视、审计工作力度,对发现的问题最后要落实到组织措施上,落实到人头上。要深刻反思徐才厚案件的教训危害,从严从紧整改本单位和个人存在的问题,从思想上、组织上、作风上坚决肃清其流毒影响。

Related: 人民军队生命线的时代丰碑–全军政治工作会议召开的前前后后-新闻中心频道-新华网 Xinhua publishes long piece on the recent PLA Political Work Conference at Gutian  //  我们这支军队永远面对“两个战场”,既要打赢军事仗,又要打赢政治仗。85年前,红军在古田完成了思想的淬火和精神的洗礼,首先打赢的是一场清除各种非无产阶级错误思想的政治仗。从此,人民军队浴火重生,前赴后继,打败一切强敌,为民族独立、人民解放建立了不朽的历史功勋。85年后,军事斗争准备任务艰巨繁重,意识形态领域斗争尖锐复杂,“颜色革命”暗流涌动,铸魂与“蛀”魂、固根与“毁”根的较量更加激烈。军事不过硬一打就垮,政治不过硬不打自垮。没有政治上的坚不可摧,就没有军事上的所向披靡;只有闯过灵魂深处的激流险滩,才能直面未来战场的刀山火海。

4. Hong Kong Protesters Surround City Leader’s Office in Renewed Confrontation – NYTimes. A night of seesaw battles in the political heart of the city ended weeks of anxious calm at the protesters’ main street camp, and threw into question how much longer the Hong Kong government would tolerate hundreds of tents in Admiralty neighborhood, a stone’s throw from the city’s administrative and legislative complex. Student protest leaders, who have dithered and debated over the direction of their movement, said their patience had expired.

Related: Occupy supporters and police clash as Hong Kong protests escalate | South China Morning Post He said he was not afraid of the police. “Two months on, I’ve got used to the pattern. we advance, police use pepper spray or batons and we step back. Those behind then  forward.” Schoolgirl Fish Chan, 16, said she had attended despite being urged to stay away by her mother, who feared she would be hurt. Earlier, a group of secondary school pupils staged a barefoot walk around the government headquarters. They knelt down after every 28 steps and walked around the buildings nine times to remember the police’s use of tear gas on September 28.

5. 张全景:弘扬红色文化,掌握意识形态工作主动权–理论-人民网 83 year old Zhang Quanqing, head of the Organization Department from 1994-99, in the latest Red Flag Manuscript on the the ideological struggle facing the Party. Anyone in DC or other Western capitals still see their countries engaged in an ideological struggle with the PRC? Because the PRC sure seems to think it is in one //  国际共产主义运动的经验告诉我们,如果在意识形态上出了问题,就会前功尽弃,甚至造成失败,这是有非常惨痛教训的。苏联共产党是一个成立了近百年的党,苏联是有近70年历史的国家,但是垮塌却在一夜之间。苏东剧变是一个从渐变到突变、量变到质变的过程,其失败的原因是多方面的,其中一个重要原因是失败在意识形态领域。社会主义国家意识形态领域的斗争,归根到底是阶级斗争、两条道路的斗争。我们要认识这种斗争的长期性、严重性。如果在思想上放松了这根弦,就等于自己解除了武装,那样迟早是要失败的。 目前,意识形态领域的斗争尖锐复杂。国际敌对势力对我国积极推行“和平演变”、“颜色革命”,鼓吹“民主宪政”、“新自由主义”、“民主社会主义”,污蔑我搞“霸权主义”、“威胁世界和平”等等。西方不仅交替使用软硬两手,而且还从我内部寻找代理人,对此我们要保持高度的警惕性。

Related: 砸锅论再起 高官揭秘反共“四大武器”_中国-多维新闻网 Duowei On Zhang Quanjing’s Red Flag Journal article//  继中央文献研究室原主任逄先知公开呼吁进行“反右”运动,并扬言阶级斗争不能停止之后,中组部原部长张全景在党刊《红旗文稿》刊发题为《弘扬红色文化,掌握意识形态工作主动权》的文章,不仅严声厉色揭开了意欲颠覆中共政权的“四大武器”,而且还建言对于那些意识形态跑偏的“黑四类”,就应该拿起批评与自我批评的武器,开展积极的思想斗争。本着“惩前毖后,治病救人”的方针,严肃指出他们的错误,绝不讲情面。

Related: To make sense of modern China, you simply can’t ignore Marxism – The Conversation The missing element in all this is Marxism. China remains a socialist country, with the Communist Party effectively operating a one-party state with Marxist values. Many continue to dismiss Marxism in China, whether in terms of a repressive and inadequate ideology or as empty words in which no one “believes” any longer. This is a great mistake and risks neglecting what is arguably one of the most important factors for understanding China.

6. Coal tax reform to ease burden on producers, environment – Xinhua China, the world’ s leading coal producer and consumer, is to levy resource tax on coal on the basis of sales instead of production from Dec. 1, in a move to shore up the dim industry and improve the deteriorating environment. The key to the reform, however, is to clear out charging fees involving coal. Due to historical reasons, Chinese coal producers pay taxes as well as fees under various names, such as coal price adjustment funds, compensation fees for native minerals, and fees for local economic development.

7. Miners ‘Covering Their Eyes’ on China’s Commodity Cliff – Bloomberg As China moves to a consumer-led from an investment-led economy, there may be a substantial absolute drop in commodities demand, not just slower growth, he said. “This is happening now,” Tao said. “It’s just people are covering their eyes and refusing to believe that what is happening now is not just a cyclical story, but also a structural story.”

Related: China’s Slowdown Hits Price of Iron Ore – WSJ Topping the list are big commodity players Australia and Brazil, but also resource-rich countries, such as Guinea, Indonesia and Mongolia, where minerals make up a disproportionate share of the economy and employment. In countries specializing in crucial commodities, such as iron ore and coal, sluggish demand and falling commodity prices are reducing government tax revenue, increasing trade deficits and affecting currency values.

8. 楼继伟:推进各级政府事权规范化法律化–理论-人民网 Lou Jiwei on page 7 of Monday’s People’s Daily on standardization and legalization of responsibility and authority of governments at all levels //  推进各级政府事权规范化、法律化,是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化的必然选择。市场经济的本质是法治经济,现代国家治理要求科学界定国家公共权力边界,并实现国家公共权力的合理配置和规范运行



China Manufacturing Gauge Drops Amid APEC Factory Shutdowns – Bloomberg The government’s Purchasing Managers’ Index (CPMINDX) was at 50.3 in November, compared with the 50.5 median estimate of analysts in a Bloomberg survey and October’s 50.8. Readings above 50 indicate expansion.

经济参考网 – 水利工程有望成明年稳增长抓手 三天三次见诸高层会议和文件,“水利”成投资热词 Economic Information says waterworks investment may be key contributor to stable growth in 2015  //  “水利建设”这一关键词近期频繁出现在高层会议议程中,一系列重大水利工程建设明年也有望提速。有业内人士认为,水利或将成为今后一段时间内稳增长重要抓手,民资的涌入更将为水利建设带来历史性契机。

中国高速公路1年收费4000亿 利润超金融房产_网易新闻中心 Xinhua asking uncomfortable questions about the now 400B RMB in road tolls collected annually, as local governments keep extending their toll collection periods // 核心提示:据悉,目前全国10万余公里的高速公路中90%以上要收费。专家估算,全国高速公路一年收费在4000亿元以上。深圳高速、山东高速、成渝高速等企业的利润率多在30%以上。这一利润水平超过金融、房产行业。

China’s harsher workplace safety law to take effect – Xinhua China’s revised Workplace Safety Law, which imposes harsher punishment on offenders, will take effect Monday. Adopted in August, the amendment stipulates fines ranging from 200,000 yuan (32,500 U.S. dollars) to 20 million yuan for enterprises involved in serious workplace accidents, depending on the resultant losses. Under the old law, fines for enterprises violating the law were no more than 100,000 yuan or less than five times the income earned from the illegal operations.

Paths Diverge for China ETFs – WSJ Investors plowed $259 million into U.S.-listed China-focused exchange-traded funds in November, turning them into net buyers for the year, according to Markit, a provider of financial data. They are betting that a wave of money flowing into China from big asset managers using the Stock Connect program will help lift the Chinese market. In the same month, though, Hong Kong investors were selling, withdrawing $1.6 billion from Hong Kong-listed, China-focused ETFs. To be sure, investors in Hong Kong had gotten in earlier, buying $2.5 billion in the year to date. Still, during October and November, the month when Stock Connect started, they scaled back investments in China after markets there recorded sharp gains.

北京土地收入超1900亿 一线城市土地市场热度仍高财经频道一财网 revenue from land sales in Beijing has crossed 190B RMB for 2014 through 11.30, a record  //  北 京市土地整理储备中心数据显示,截至11月30日,北京今年年内通过招拍挂方式成交土地138宗,土地出让金总额达到1900.5亿元,再创历史新高。



CPC sends out inspectors in new round of anti-graft checks – Xinhua The third round of inspection for 2014 targets 13 state organizations: the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Environmental Protection, China Association for Science and Technology, All-China Federation of Industry & Commerce, China Radio International, China Southern Airlines, China State Shipbuilding Corporation, China Unicom, China Shipping Company, China Huadian Corporation, Dongfeng Motor Corporation, Shenhua Group and Sinopec. These inspectors will be stationed in their respective target unit for about one month, aiming to uncover officials’ misconduct, especially that concerning corruption, undesirable work styles and personnel selection and appointment.

在全面推进依法治国中更好地肩负起实践者推动者的责任 Meng Jianzhu has the lead essay in the latest Qiushi, on “comprehensively advancing governing the country according to the law”  //  核心要点:■ 政法机关作为执法司法机关,要把学习好、宣传好、贯彻好全会精神作为一项重要政治任务,进一步掀起学习贯彻党的十八届四中全会精神的热潮,切实把思想和行动统一到全会精神上来,确保在全面推进依法治国、建设社会主义法治国家中更好地肩负起实践者、推动者的责任。■ 各级政法机关要坚持问题导向、改革取向,积极稳妥地推进司法体制改革,完善司法管理体制和司法权力运行机制,规范司法行为,加强对司法活动的监督,确保司法公正,提高司法公信力,努力让人民群众在每一个司法案件中感受到公平正义。■ 把纸面上的法律变为现实生活中的法律,政法机关起着关键作用,能否做到严格执法、公正司法,事关宪法法律全面有效实施。■ 各级政府机关要把队伍建设放在更加突出的位置来抓,切实提高思想政治素质、业务工作能力、职业道德水准,确保执法人员忠于法律、捍卫法律,严格执法、敢于担当;确保司法人员信仰法律、坚守法治,端稳天平、握牢法槌,铁面无私、秉公司法,努力建设一支忠于党、忠于国家、忠于人民、忠于法律的政法队伍。

What you should know about foreign-related cases in the Chinese courts post 4th Plenum | Supreme People’s Court Monitor The Supreme People’s Court (Court) recently held its 4th National Work Conference on Foreign-Related Commercial and Maritime Adjudication (4th National Work Conference) in early November, shortly after the 4th Plenum. This is a conference that the Court organizes occasionally for judges hearing  commercial and maritime cases involving foreign parties. The Court uses work conferences to transmit the latest central legal policy, harmonize court practices consistent with those policies, and find out what the latest difficult legal issues are. (This is a practice similar to other Party/government agencies). The 4th National Work Conference highlighted some of the provisions of the 4th Plenum:

1.4 mln apply for Chinese civil servant jobs – Xinhua Nevertheless, the exam is still considered one of the most competitive tests in the country, as there are only 22,200 vacancies in national government agencies, their affiliated public institutions and local branches. Earlier reports said most positions open this year in government agencies above provincial level will require two years of grassroots working experience. About 10 percent of all vacancies will be set aside for college graduates who became village officials. There were 7.1 million civil servants in China at the end of 2012.

如何认识西方“大市场小政府”的市场经济模式- He Zili, Deputy Director, School of Economics, Nankai University in latest Red Flag Manuscript on understanding the “big market, little government” market economy model he says is common in the West (tell that to the GOP), on learning the correct lessons from it…hint, it has to do with sticking with Socialism with Chinese Characteristics, avoiding the pitfalls with the Western model that lead to unfairness and extreme wealth gaps, among other things… //  来源: 《红旗文稿》2014/22 作者: 何自力- “大市场小政府”市场经济模式是西方发达经济体普遍实行的市场经济体制。本文拟对这一市场经济模式的基本特点、体制成因及其局限性进行深入分析,以期在总结和吸取教训的基础上,提出对正确认识政府与市场的关系、健全和完善社会主义市场经济体制的有益启示。

新媒体传播中历史虚无主义“导向”不容忽视 Fujian Professor Lin Shuhong in latest Red Flag Manuscript on dangers from “historical nihilism” in new media… //  总之,防范历史虚无主义在新媒体平台上的泛滥已刻不容缓。新媒体一直以来就是西方“西化”、“分化”中国的重要平台,他们奉行的原则是“宁可数天不将军,不可一天不拱卒”。因此,我们要像抓国家安全一样抓好新媒体平台的意识形态安全工作。要适时研判新媒体舆情,关注网络信息传播移动化、网络媒体社交化、信息服务个性化以及“新闻超市”、“新闻商店”等新情况,及时制定应对策略,转变眼前的被动局面。必须向广大网民讲清楚,互联网不是法外之地,一个不尊重自己的历史、文化,特别是不尊重自己的国史、领袖的人就不配有国格。同时,要强化队伍建设,努力建成一支思想政治坚定、技术水平过硬、勇于创新敢于战斗的新媒体工作队伍。要努力形成网上新风正气有人点赞、好人好事有人肯定、错误思想有人反对、模糊认识有人澄清的良好氛围,让社会主义主流意识形态的旗帜在新媒体这块阵地上高高飘扬。

把爱国主义作为文艺创作的主旋律 Li Bing, Party secretary of the Chinese Writers Association, in the latest Qiushi on making patriotism the main theme of literature and arts, in the wake of the recent symposium  //  把爱国主义作为文艺创作的主旋律,不是对创作题材的限制,而是树立起一种高尚的精神追求,具有广阔的表现空间。不能认为只有描写民族战争、革命斗争等重大事件的作品才是爱国主义,才是主旋律。吟咏祖国山河、怀念故土乡愁、描绘百姓生活的作品,同样可以成为爱国主义的主旋律作品。也不能认为爱国主义的主旋律作品,必是长篇巨制。事实上,中短篇小说、散文、诗歌等各种体裁,无不可以创作出爱国主义的主旋律作品,这是被反复证明了的、无须赘论的道理。

China’s Xinjiang passes rules, plans fines to curb unrest: Xinhua | Reuters China’s Xinjiang region has banned the practice of religion in government buildings and will fine those who use the Internet to ‘undermine national unity’, in a package of regulations aimed at combating separatism in the north-western province.

胡喬木女兒:革命后代要全力支持習近平反腐–安徽頻道–人民網 Hu Qiaomu’s daughter says the red descendants should wholeheartedly support Xi’s corruption crackdown



China, Japan to destroy chemical weapons | Business Spectator China and Japan will on Monday begin the destruction of chemical weapons abandoned by Japan in northeast China at the end of World War II. An estimated 330,000 pieces of weaponry are buried in the Harbaling area of Jilin Province, where the work will begin, Xinhua news agency cited China’s Foreign Ministry as saying.



Obstacles overshadow flourishing culture sector – Global Times Third, more efforts are needed to enhance awareness of copyright protection. Such efforts would not only combat piracy but also increase profits. Compared with Western markets, copyright awareness is relatively weak in China, while the implementation of relevant laws and regulations is also far from satisfactory. This damages the urge to innovate and curbs the development of the industry. For example, a youth art team named “NIKO EDWARDS” recently accused Chinese video steaming website and social networking company Momo Inc of stealing their idea for a commercial advertisement. In response, said it would seriously deal with the issue to protect creative works and Momo has stopped broadcasting the video.

优酷短片涉嫌抄袭 少年团队发视频指责-财经频道-新华网 Youku in crisis PR mode, says investigating charges it stole Niko Edwards’ short film idea. Looks like Youku got caught red-handed.  //  上周末,优酷和陌陌卷入了创意抄袭风波。一新青年艺术团队发布消息称,优酷为陌陌拍摄的商业广告片在片名、文案和视频等环节均涉嫌抄袭该团队原有作品。对此,优酷官方紧急回应称已经展开调查,陌陌表示已主动在全平台停止对视频的推广。

Katie Leung Stars in ‘One Child’ by Guy Hibbert – It was so important to the British screenwriter Guy Hibbert to preserve the unexpected ending of “One Child,” a television drama about executions in China, that he waited years for a financial backer who agreed to do so. “People wanted us to change the ending,” Mr. Hibbert said in a telephone interview. “I refused.

《对话》:曹国伟雷军刘强东“乌镇论剑”|世界互联网大会互联网新浪科技_新浪网 Sina CEO Charles Chao, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun and CEO Liu Qiangdong go on CCTV “Dialogue” to discuss the Wuzhen Internet conference

“专车”公司招聘车主带车加盟 涉违规运营深度新京报网 近来,打车软件上的“专车”服务火了。但因专车多无运营资质,被多地叫停。为规避法规,此类软件公司声称专车来自汽车租赁公司。而记者调查发现,这些公司仍在招揽私家车主带车加盟。监督部门表示,即便是租赁的车也属违规。//So are the various Uber-like car services in China operating illegally, as this article suggests?



延安投资千亿削平33座山头造新城 slideshow of Yan’an’s progress in building its new district. 33 mountain tops flattened to make way for it



China records 497,000 people with HIV/AIDS – Xinhua The number of people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in China had hit 497,000 by the end of Oct., with 154,000 deaths, according to latest official figures. Highlighting an obvious increase in the number of HIV carriers and AIDS patients, Wang Guoqiang, vice director of the National Health and Family Planning Commission, revealed the figures Sunday at an HIV/AIDS awareness promotion event, ahead of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1.

China to expand input to fight HIV: Premier – Xinhua Chinese Premier Li Keqiang on Sunday promised more work on prevention and treatment of AIDS and is willing to cooperate with other countries to combat HIV. Li made the remarks when visiting Beijing’s YouAn Hospital, home to a center for HIV/AIDS treatment, just ahead of World AIDS Day on Dec. 1.

China co-ordinates planning rules to prevent wasteful growth | Zhang Chun – China Dialogue Faced with numerous often incompatible plans from different government departments, China is trialing planning system mergers to encourage the rational use of land and greater environmental protection



Black Holes – Caijing He Jiahong’s Black Holes, a Chinese legal whodunit in English translation, is an almost unique entry in its small sub-genre. Black Holes tells the story of criminal lawyer Hong Jun defending a young equities trader from a charge of fraud. Nothing is as simple as it seems, of course, and the roots of the case lie back in the Cultural Revolution. The sections of the backstory about the life of “educated youth” sent to the countryside – Heilongjiang – during the Cultural Revolution are detailed and readable, if not necessarily revelatory.



北京大风吹落建筑外墙材料 致1人死亡1人重伤_网易新闻中心-网易新闻客户端 huge winds in Beijing Saturday, blew off large section of the outer wall covering at the Joy City Mall in Chaoyang District, one person killed. Hope the they arrest someone from the developer for shoddy construction

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