The Sinocism China Newsletter For 03.04.13

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Just links today:


CNPC to Spend $2.4 Billion on Upgrades to Produce Cleaner Fuel – Bloomberg – The money would allow CNPC to upgrade the standard of its fuel to China IV from China III, Zhou said in Beijing at annual meetings of the Chinese People’s Consultative Conference. The cost of upgrading to China V from IV would be less, he said. China’s largest oil companies have announced plans for billions of yuan of upgrades after air pollution in the Chinese capital hit hazardous levels on 20 days in January. China Petrochemical Corp. (386) Chairman Fu Chengyu said in an interview with state broadcaster China Central Television last month that the nation’s biggest refiner would spend about 30 billion yuan a year to upgrade its plants to produce cleaner fuel.

China’s graft-fighting Xi tells party future is on the line | Reuters– “Only if the capabilities of all party members unceasingly continue to strengthen, can the goal of ‘two 100 years’ and ‘the dream’ of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese people be realized,” Xi said in a speech marking the 80th anniversary of the Central Party School, which trains rising officials. “Two 100 years” refers to both the party and the People’s Republic of China lasting at least a century each.

China Policy Institute Blog » Reforms and Restructuring at the NPC Session: Managing Expectations – By Zhengxu Wang. This year’s Lianghui, the National People’s Congress (NPC) and People’s Political Consultative Conference (PPCC), is important in the sense that a new government will be “sworn in”. Following last November’s Party Congress, the Premier-in-waiting will be confirmed at the NPC session. He will take up his position together with a whole new cabinet—following the forming of a new Central Committee of the Party, ministers are expected to be reappointed as well, with a five year term ahead. But the more critical question is what policy initiatives will the new government press ahead in order to show that it is the right government for the country. The new Party leadership emerged out of the last November’s Party Congress carries a strong mandate of “reform”. Now that the honeymoon effect between the new leadership team and the country is starting to fade away, citizens are watching carefully what the leadership indeed has to offer in terms of real actions.

【舒立观察】铁路改革的信号意义_杂志频道_财新网 – Hu Shuli on the signals from the expetcted reform of the ministry of railways// 过往30余年,中国在民航、电信、电力、石油等多个带有垄断性质的行业发起了数轮改革,经验丰富而教训也相当沉重。最大的经验表明,改革需要支付“成本”,改革越迟则成本越高,但改革的成本终究小于不改革的成本。多年迟滞的铁路改革重行启动,必是成本高企,其推行力度,最终将体现新的决策层对政府和市场关系这一改革核心问题的认知度。铁路改革的信号意义即在于此。

Exclusive: China eyes market forces to drive FX reform agenda | Reuters– “The bank is very worried about opening up the capital account because when it does, it knows that anything could happen,” the former official said. “But if you give investors a market-based reason to hold renminbi (yuan) they will.” Investors expect China to make its currency basically convertible by 2015, or 2020 at the latest, and have anticipated that monetary authorities would do so according to a series of time-tabled steps. The new approach adds more uncertainty to the route Beijing may take to full currency flexibility. A more flexible approach to currency liberalization widens the range of possibilities for policy tweaks, such as raising quotas for offshore yuan to be invested onshore, making changes to asset allocation rules for such investments and widening participation in domestic money markets.

李克强论城镇化|李克强|城镇化_21世纪网 – should we be paying more attention to fact that li keqiang uses 城镇化 and not 城市化 for “urbanization”?// 核心提示:扩大内需的最大潜力在于城镇化。把符合条件的农民工逐步转为城镇居民,是推进城镇化的一项重要任务。推进城镇化,关键是提高城镇化质量,目的是造福百姓和富裕农民。

Foxconn Inland China Push Spurred by Labor, BI Says – Bloomberg – Foxconn Technology Group and other electronics makers are saving little in wages by opening plants in inland China and are making the move because of labor shortages in traditional manufacturing hubs, according to Bloomberg Industries.Apple Inc. (AAPL) supplier Foxconn, which has boosted its China workforce 50 percent in two years to 1.2 million, needs to use employees in more parts of the country to meet demand, Jitendra Waral, a Bloomberg Industries technology analyst, said in a note published today. The labor-cost savings are minimal as wages in western Sichuan province and central Henan, where Foxconn makes iPads and iPhones, are similar to those in coastal Guangdong.

China Policy Institute Blog » The next phase of growth– For China to grow well for another 30 years will, though, require further reforms to improve the playing field for both its and foreign firms. Continued reforms of factor markets (capital, labour) as well as re-balancing its economy are also necessary. The impressive track record of the first 30 years of nearly 10 per cent growth every year won’t be repeated. But, China can grow on a more sustainable basis and continue to increase the standards of living of its people. It will need to focus on the growth drivers for the next stage of its development, which includes not just the restructuring of the economy, but pursuit of technological progress and innovation. The evidence looks promising on many fronts, but challenges also lie ahead. If China can pursue both structural and productivity driven reforms, the future of the world’s most populous nation will continue to be bright and continue to contribute to global growth as its second largest economy and emerging superpower. Linda Yueh is a Fellow of Economics at the University of Oxford. This post is adapted from her new book China’s Growth: The Making of an Economic Superpower (Oxford University Press April 2013).



China Services Industries Expand at Slower Pace in February – Bloomberg – he non-manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index fell to 54.5 in February from 56.2 in January, the Beijing-based National Bureau of Statistics and China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing said in a statement today. A reading above 50 indicates expansion. Two manufacturing indexes released March 1 showed a slower- than-estimated pace of expansion, indicating a recovery in the world’s second-biggest economy may be losing steam. The federation’s official PMI had a reading of 50.1, the weakest in five months, while a separate gauge from HSBC Holdings Plc and Markit Economics dropped to a four-month low of 50.4. HSBC will report its February services index on March 5. The gauge rose to 54 in January from 51.7 the previous month.

China Monetary Tightening Pressure Eases as Growth Rebound Slows – Bloomberg – Moderating inflation this month will relieve pressure for tightening, Song Guoqing, an academic adviser who sits on the central bank’s monetary policy committee, said March 2. Song, one of three academics who sit on the PBOC’s monetary policy committee, said inflation will be “relatively low” this month due to slowing food-price gains. Compared with January and February, the pressure for tightening monetary policy and macro- economic controls “has in my view been relieved,” he said at a forum in Beijing.

China’s real estate bubble – 60 Minutes – CBS News  discovers the “ghost cities” that have been covered ad nauseum, interviews the usual suspects who have been making their mostly reasoned arguments for a while, nothing new for those who have been paying attention. minute 6-7 is kind of funny, Gillem Tulloch gives a guess in response to a question, appears to have never heard of the possibility of 回迁房. don’t get me wrong, some of china’s real estate markets have big problems, but this segment isn’t going to make you smarter about what is going on… //China’s economy has become the second largest in the world, but its rapid growth may have created the largest housing bubble in history. Lesley Stahl reports.

Zhang Xin: China’s real estate mogul – 60 Minutes – CBS News – How did Zhang Xin go from working in a sweatshop to being a billionaire real estate developer? Lesley Stahl reports. Zhang does have an amazing story, nicely supported by amazing PR

唐志军:为何房地产调控基本无用(下)——房调背后的政治经济学-财经网 interesting caijing online commentary on the political economy behind the real estate repression policies// 以上就是中国房价不断上涨、房调政策基本没用后面的政治经济学。至此,要回答“真正好的调控措施又是什么?”这一问题,似乎就是小学生的作业题了。答案很简单:一是严控货币;二是改革收入分配;三是改革财税制度;四是改革土地制度;五是搞好股市,拓宽人们的投资渠道;六是搞好保障房供给;七是严惩腐败和严惩“房叔”“房嫂”等用腐败所得购房的人;八是调整房地产开发和购买中的金融杠杆;九是界定好政府和市场的边界;十是明确预期,提高政策之间的协调性。不过,在屁民我看来,在当前的权力格局下,要做到这十点,似乎比登天还难。你说呢?唐志军为经济学博士,湖南科技大学经济学教师

新政将致二手房价横盘_财经频道_一财网 – 2nd hand property sales surging as people try to close deals before new rule take effect. details on new rules a mystery, as is timing of implementation. more distortions for the market…these new rules may be good for real estate developers as may drive buyers to new homes if secondary sellers either hold back or raise prices to cover the new tax on gains// 据本报记者了解,目前北京、上海都还在执行原先的个税征收细则,即大多数交易按交易总价款的1%~3%计征。而多位接受本报记者采访的业内人士判断,“满五年唯一”的住房有可能继续免征个人所得税,但其他住房个税如何征收还有待细则在地方的落地。 “满五年,唯一一套房,赶紧来看房吧。”昨日中午,北京朝阳区团结湖路的一家房产中介门店内,记者刚一进门,就听到里屋有人如此喊道。

财政部官员贾康:“新国五条”误伤改善性购房需求_资讯频道_凤凰网– 中国经济网北京3月3日讯(记者 冯兴科 专栏)今日下午,全国政协十二届一次会议开幕。全国政协委员、财政部财政科学研究所所长贾康在接受记者采访时表示,“新国五条”会误伤居民改善性购房需求,但不应要孤立地看待,它在政策组合拳里,是看得见、摸得着的一个措施。 会议结束后,贾康委员在人民大会堂一楼大厅被记者们团团围住。他表示,“新国五条”中规定,二手房交易中个税按个人所得的20%征收,这项规定对投资需求来说,会产生很大的抑制作用,也会影响成交量,这是房地产调控的一个正面效果。但不可避免,会对居民改善性购房需求带来抑制作用。

二手房“税震”或致市场速冻_财经频道_一财网 – 对于“十年九调控,房价越调越高”的说法,张泓铭称,这句话值得商榷,如果没有调控,房价还要高得多。 值得关注的是,对于此次税收政策的重申,新华社援引税收专家的话称,若个人转让自用5年以上并且是家庭唯一生活用房取得的所得,应不在此规定之列

中国富人资产海外转移:现状、趋势与对策_杂志频道_财新网 – 资产海外转移的主要原因在于资产保值和增值、安全性和私密性需求、以养老和医疗为诉求的移民及子女教育要求、方便海外业务发展、 通过全球资产配置以对冲国内风险等,对此是宜“疏”还是宜“堵”?

村镇银行六年大发展:扩张迅猛 布局失衡_21世纪网 – explosive growth in china’s village banks…big growth in problems too?// 从2007年3月1日首家村镇银行正式开业至今,我国的村镇银行发展已有六年。从无到有,如今村镇银行数量已达1500多家(含分支机构)。21世纪网将通过本专题,为大家全面剖析中国村镇银行这6年来的发展。

报告建议500万起征遗产税 每年可增税2千亿 新华社——经济参考网 – suggestions for an inheritance tax, first 5 million rmb exempt



China’s labor camps come under scrutiny – The Washington Post – After decades of stonewalling, Chinese officials have begun to address public concern over the camps, slowing their use and signaling that a parliamentary meeting of China’s top leaders in Beijing this week could bring broader changes. That prospect has thrust the camps forward as an early litmus test for how serious China’s new top leaders are in vowing to reform broken and corrupt parts of the government. But it has also invited skepticism from human rights activists and legal scholars who have long regarded China’s legal system as a source of injustice.

Chinese elite tighten their designer belts at sober annual congress | World news | The Guardian – No VIP receptions, no extravagant gifts and fewer ostentatious displays of wealth as incoming president tackles official excess

The rebel Chinese newspaper which dares to challenge the Communist party line – Telegraph – Near Shijiazhuang // Malcolm Moore reports on a small Chinese village which has set up its own campaigning newspaper to counter official Communist party propaganda

习近平引毛泽东延安讲话 重提本领恐慌敲警钟_新闻_腾讯网 – 为了告诫大家抓紧学习、增强本领,习近平总书记重提毛泽东1939年在延安的讲话:“我们队伍里边有一种恐慌,不是经济恐慌,也不是政治恐慌,而是本领恐慌!”

落实党的十八大精神 深化党建研究工作_2013/05_求是理论网 – 2013年是全面贯彻落实党的十八大精神开局之年。十八大统筹伟大事业与伟大工程,对坚持和发展中国特色社会主义作出全面部署,对全面提高党的建设科学化水平提出明确要求。党的建设是党的事业不断取得胜利的重要保证,党建研究是党的建设扎实推进的重要基础。我们要充分认识新形势下做好党建研究工作的重要性,运用马克思主义立场、观点和方法,以宽广眼界、敏锐眼光,及时发现新情况;以战略思维、前瞻思考,深入研究新问题;以求实精神、创新方法,善于提出新建议,不断开辟党建研究新境界。(这是赵乐际同志2013年1月26日在全国党建研究会学习贯彻党的十八大精神研讨会暨五届三次理事会上的讲话,发表时略有删节。)

2013两会策划:网易改革蓝皮书_网易财经 – netease has released a short online “Reform Blue Book”, sections on.hukou reform, “beautiful China”, land reform, budget transparency, income distribution, enterprise reform, social safety net, financial markets..clearly covers the big issues…netease news likes to push the envelope

Highlights of work report of China’s top political advisory body – Xinhua |– BEIJING, March 3 (Xinhua) — China’s top political advisor Jia Qinglin delivered a report on the work of the country’s top political advisory body at the opening meeting of its annual session, which started in the Great Hall of the People Sunday afternoon. Following are highlights of the Work Report of the Standing Committee of the 11th Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) National Committee, which was distributed to journalists upon the opening of the session:

代表委员建言规范网络反腐:不止于晒艳照、亮房产 – 2013两会 – 新华网– 全国政协委员、民建中央调研部部长蔡玲说,大量网民围观,碎片化的信息拼凑出事件的大致面貌,倒逼反腐进程。雷政富不雅视频曝光到被免职和立案调查,前后仅用63小时,就是一个很好的证明。 但一些代表委员同时表示,由网民参与的网络反腐热潮正在悄然改变着我国的反腐格局,但如不加以规范,负面效应将影响反腐效果,比如一些低俗化、娱乐化的网络反腐倾向容易形成集体性的非理性力量,导致“误伤”甚至侵权违法行为的发生。全国人大代表、海南大学校长李建保说,被曝光“拥有24套房产”的“房婶”,经查实,只不过是一名普通工程师,其6套房产也都是合法所得。

刘大群转任河北省委农工部部长 曾被网络举报_政经频道_财新网 – 【财新网】(记者 陈宝成) 2月19日卸任河北邢台市长的刘大群,近日被任命为中共河北省委农工部部长,并顺利通过十二届全国人大代表资格审查。这显示曾深陷网络传言的刘大群已“平安着陆”。 此前,刘大群在被网络举报的当口辞去邢台市长职务,引发广泛关注。

传铁道部将分拆为国家铁路总局和中国铁路总公司 – rumor that ministry of railways will be split into a china national railway bureau and a china national railway corp. bureau will go under the ministry of transportation, corporation will go under sasac// 消息人士透露,铁道部将分拆为国家铁路总局和中国铁路总公司,其中国家铁路总局将按照副部级的设置并入大交通部;而将划至国资委麾下的中国铁路总公司究竟为副部级还是正部级单位暂未有确切消息。

Can real reform take root in Qianhai? | South China Morning Post– Top-level support for the Qianhai project is not in doubt. President-in-waiting Xi Jinping made Qianhai a stop on his first tour after taking over as Communist Party general secretary late last year. But questions remain as to whether political leaders in today’s more prosperous nation share the drive and willingness to take a big gamble that their predecessors did in the 1980s.

人民日报-从严治党不辱历史使命 ——六论以实干贯彻十八大精神 本报评论员 – 办好中国的事情,关键在党。面对前所未有的挑战和任务,更要在“党要管党”中不断自我净化、自我完善、自我革新、自我提高,在“从严治党”中实现干部清正、政府清廉、政治清明。始终保持党的纯洁性先进性,确保党始终成为事业的坚强领导核心,我们就一定能够在中华民族伟大复兴的征程中不辱历史使命、不负人民重托。

China village defies officials to demand democracy – Yahoo! News – Just over a week ago, residents of Shangpu in Guangdong province fought with scores of attackers whom they claimed were sent by the village communist party chief and a business tycoon after they protested against a land deal. Now police are blockading the settlement to outsiders while residents refuse to let officials inside, days before the annual meeting of the country’s legislature, the National People’s Congress (NPC).



中国军网_凝神聚力托举“强军梦” ——军队代表委员畅谈感悟 本报记者 马越舟 邹维荣 – lots of media focus on the “Chinese dream”…There is also a “Strong Military Dream” that is getting a lot of mention in chinese press

$2M posted to bail out Chinese student facing vehicular-homicide charge | Local News | The Seattle Times – put it on weibo, some interesting reactions. wonder where his family got the 2m, and how quickly he will be back in china// A Chinese national who faces a vehicular homicide charge for a Nov. 10 accident that left one woman dead and three injured is free on bail after his family posted a $2 million cashier’s check.

Exclusive: Chinese trader accused of busting Iran missile embargo | Reuters – A Chinese businessman indicted in the United States over sales of missile parts to Iran is still making millions of dollars from the trade, say security officials who monitor compliance with Western and U.N. sanctions. These officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the businessman, Li Fangwei, has earned at least $10 million from illegal sales to Iran since his indictment by the New York County District Attorney in 2009



In Filing, Casino Operator Admits Likely Violation of an Antibribery Law – – The Las Vegas Sands Corporation, an international gambling empire controlled by the billionaire Sheldon G. Adelson, has informed the Securities and Exchange Commission that it likely violated a federal law against bribing foreign officials



Yale’s digital zombie mystery: Why has the Ivy drawn a battalion of dead accounts in China? – The Washington Post – Zinch, the marketing company that works with hundreds of overseas institutions in China and runs Yale’s Sina Weibo feed, also denies purchasing followers. It too says it’s mystified by Yale’s growth. Sina, the company that operates Sina Weibo, has promoted Yale on its campus page and recommended it to new users, spokesman Mao Taotao said. But that wouldn’t explain why Yale has so many inactive followers. And he denied Sina adds followers to any account.//i have gotten hundreds of zombie followrs recently..all mobile numbers as user names…explanation when i asked on weibo is tht sina has channel deals with mobile phone partners…the ones following me look to all be zombies..the 500m weibo user name is likely very overstated if you actually care about active, engaged users

“黑匣子”之谜待解:奇虎360的“红与黑”|奇虎360|周鸿祎|V3_21世纪网 – any foreign reporters attend qihoo’s media day on thursday?// 核心提示:2月28日,奇虎360在公司进行首个媒体开放日,奇虎董事长兼CEO周鸿祎主讲,力证奇虎360的清白。

雷锋的微笑 预告片—在线播放—优酷网,视频高清在线观看 – trailer from “The Sweet smile” the new Lei Feng movie (there may be an ad in front of it)

《雷锋的微笑》在京首映 将于学雷锋纪念日上映_娱乐_腾讯网 – anyone seen “The Sweet Smile”, the movie about Lei Feng? // 腾讯娱乐讯(文/付超 图/薛建宇)3月1日,《雷锋的微笑》在清华大学举办首映礼。万思维、唐国强、张曦文、宋春丽、巫刚等影片主创,以及雷锋生前战友乔安山、为雷锋拍照的摄影师张峻、季增、女工友王佩玲等人均莅临现场。影片再现了雷锋作为一个普通士兵的生活故事,并将于3月5日学雷锋纪念日正式上映。

Dragon Sword Game Helps NetEase Surpass Tencent: China Overnight – Bloomberg – NetEase Inc. (NTES), the operator of China’s second-largest online games website, rallied the most in a year last month as plans for new online titles prompted Morgan Stanley to boost profit estimates. American depositary receipts of NetEase jumped 10 percent in February, making it the fourth-best performer on the Bloomberg China-US Equity Index. (CH55BN) It beat Tencent Holdings Ltd. (700)’s 1.2 percent retreat in dollar terms and Shanda Games Ltd. (GAME)’s 1.6 percent slump. The China-U.S. gauge of the most-traded Chinese companies in the U.S. dropped for a fourth week, the longest stretch of declines in nine months, led by Ambow Education Holding Ltd. (AMBO)



Soulful string[1]| – check out the pic…// Mark Levine is a longtime proponent of the power of music in social movements. In 2012 he performed at a celebration of Lei Feng Day in Beijing, celebrated on March 5 every year in China.

Jing Daily: 10 Minutes With…Classical Music Sensation Yundi – Above all else, classical pianist Yundi (李云迪, aka Li Yundi) is a true global phenomenon. Over a decade ago, Yundi — then only a teenager — rose from obscurity to become the youngest winner of the International Frédéric Chopin Piano Competition award after 13 unclaimed years. Yet in addition to his reputation as a piano icon, Yundi is one of the more interesting figures in modern Chinese classical music, having most recently been smeared with titillating scandal. Recently, Jing Daily, open mind in tow, caught up with Yundi at the Langham Hotel in London to discover whether he is indeed a pianist prodigy or philharmonic philanderer.

Photos of Trash Heaps Made to Look Like Chinese Landscape Paintings– Take a quick look at Chinese photographer Yao Lu’s “New Landscapes” photos, and they may look to you like old Chinese paintings of misty mountains, green hills, and choppy brown rivers. Each one even bears a red seal stamp that artists use as signatures on finished works. Look a little closer, however, and it becomes apparent that something isn’t quite right. “Those are some strange looking mountains, you think to yourself.” Well, they aren’t actually mountains, but rather mounds of garbage covered with green construction netting.



Nuclear safety lies in greater transparency : Nature News & Comment  China needs nuclear energy to meet its energy demands and carbon-reduction targets. But it needs to do more to reform and strengthen its nuclear-safety system to match its expansion. It must aim for greater transparency and public involvement and set up independent nuclear institutes, giving them long-term financing to carry out independent nuclear research, especially on nuclear-safety software. But most urgently, China needs to set up a comprehensive legal framework to govern nuclear energy and give responsibility for reactor safety to an independent, credible and authoritative regulatory body. As dozens of nuclear construction sites across China whir into action again, one thing is sure: the nation has its work cut out to gain the trust of its people and of the world.

氮污染预警中国_财新网 Caixin on the report in nature about nitrogen and pollution in China// 大气中的含氮物质会通过降雨、降尘等途径降落到地表,这是大自然系统中每天周而复始进行的一环。近年来,这一过程却急剧增加,而中国正是全球氮沉降变化最为明显的区域之一。

Enhanced nitrogen deposition over China : Nature Nitrogen deposition rates in the industrialized and agriculturally intensified regions of China are as high as the peak levels of deposition in northwestern Europe in the 1980s6, before the introduction of mitigation measures7, 8. Nitrogen from ammonium (NH4+) is the dominant form of N in bulk deposition, but the rate of increase is largest for deposition of N from nitrate (NO3−), in agreement with decreased ratios of NH3 to NOx emissions since 1980. We also find that the impact of N deposition on Chinese ecosystems includes significantly increased plant foliar N concentrations in natural and semi-natural (that is, non-agricultural) ecosystems and increased crop N uptake from long-term-unfertilized croplands. China and other economies are facing a continuing challenge to reduce emissions of reactive nitrogen, N deposition and their negative effects on human health and the environment.

Environmental science: The shape of nitrogen to come too bad so expensive to buy the article// An analysis reveals the huge impact of human activity on the nitrogen cycle in China. With global use of Earth’s resources rising per head, the findings call for a re-evaluation of the consumption patterns of developed societies

Lawmakers demand reform of China’s food monitoring system – Xinhua |– Zong Qinghou, a beverage magnate and also an NPC deputy, has urged strict legal supervision for China’s milk industry, suggesting that those “black sheep” in the sector should be sent to prison. “Personally, I do not quite understand the new regulation of Hong Kong,” said Zong, who is in Beijing to attend the upcoming annual legislative session. “But taking Hong Kong as a mirror, we can see the inadequacy of lawmaking and law-enforcement in food safety on the Chinese mainland.”

邢台原市长刘大群转任河北省委农工部部长 曾因三鹿事件被记过-财经网 meanwhile an official disiplined over sanlu melamine poisoning has been promoted//– 2月19日,刘大群辞去邢台市市长职务。而在早前,网上流传《曝河北省邢台市市长刘大群收受回扣、豢养情妇》为标题的网贴文章。刘大群从2006年10月起任职农业厅厅长,因为“三鹿事件”被处以行政记过处分,于2010年1月调任邢台市市长。

网曝蒙牛酸奶生产日期现2月30日 蒙牛称非其产品_网易新闻中心 – netizens find mengniu yoghurt with a production date of february 30…mengniu says not its product…//

优质不优价 绿色农产品遇尴尬 深度报道——经济参考网 – long story on problems of bringing “green” agricultural products to market

The Devouring Dragon: How China’s Rise Threatens Our Natural World: Craig Simons:: Amazon – between China and the US the world looks increasingly f***ed?// China’s rise is assaulting the natural world at an alarming rate. In a few short years, China has become the planet’s largest market for endangered wildlife, its top importer of tropical trees, and its biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. Its rapid economic growth has driven up the world’s very metabolism: in Brazil, farmers clear large swaths of the Amazon to plant soybeans; Indian poachers hunt tigers and elephants to feed Chinese demand; in the United States, clouds of mercury and ozone drift earthward after trans-Pacific jet-stream journeys. Craig Simons’ The Devouring Dragon looks at how an ascending China has rapidly surpassed the U.S. and Europe as the planet’s worst-polluting superpower. It argues that China’s most important 21st-century legacy will be determined not by jobs, corporate profits, or political alliances, but by how quickly its growth degrades the global environment and whether it can stem the damage. Combining in-depth reporting with wide-ranging interviews and scientific research, The Devouring Dragon shines a spotlight on how China has put our planet’s forests, wildlife, oceans, and climate in jeopardy, multiplying the risks for everyone in our burgeoning, increasingly busy world.



赵丽宏委员:建议设立“李太白世界文学奖”_资讯频道_凤凰网 – 南都讯 特派记者安小庆 实习生张伟发自北京莫言的诺奖效应蔓延到了正在进行的全国两会上。同是作家和政协委员的赵丽宏昨日告诉南都记者,他今年将撰写提案,建议在中国设立一个世界性的文学奖项,以争夺更多世界文学界的话语权。他甚至已为这个奖项想好了名字,就叫“李太白世界文学奖”,而且赵丽宏建议这个奖不由作协组织,由非官方基金会来承办,要做成“中国的诺贝尔文学奖”。



什么是《觉》音乐+艺术? // What is JUE? – 《觉》音乐+艺术 // JUE | Music + Art – march festival–觉 / JUE (pronounced joo-eh) –verb: to sense; to awaken. JUE | Music + Art is an annual open-source arts and music festival in both Shanghai and Beijing, presented by Split Works. Now in its fifth year, JUE is all about celebrating the best of the local creative communities in these two great cities and inviting artists from around the world to showcase their talent in China. JUE is a collaborative, open-source affair. Each individual event organizer is entitled to set their own entrance fee and to keep 100% of the proceeds. JUE is growing tremendously year-on-year. The 2012 festival drew over 39,000 attendees to 88 events! But we always strive to maintain a strong sense of community, an intimate vibe, and a top-tier selection of artists and events.

The Bookworm | The Bookworm International Literary Festival – 8-22 March 2013 The Bookworm International Literary Festival is a unique celebration of literature and ideas in China, programming 200 events across China, connecting over 90 Chinese and international writers and thinkers. Click below to see our full-line up of events.