The Sinocism China Newsletter For 05.16.13

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Just links today:


China: High and dry – In a sign of the gravity of the problem, Beijing is planning to pour Rmb1.8tn ($291bn) into water-related infrastructure projects such as irrigation and dams under the current five year plan – a sum that is greater than the annual gross domestic product of economies such as Egypt and Chile…The country’s growth and political stability are increasingly threatened by the widespread degradation of its air and soil. China’s energy sector is particularly threatened by water shortages.

China: what we think we know is wrong | openDemocracy Kerry Brown appears to be taking aim at Cheng Li and the princelings vs. Communist Youth League framework//  The lazy shorthand of forcing the highly mobile, dynamic and shifting allegiances of modern Chinese politicians into simple frameworks no longer works. It’s time to think way harder about how these networks – at the centre of a society that is itself profoundly networked – really operate. That at least is the one great lesson I learned from events in China in the last year.

Related: From the Soil: The Foundations of Chinese Society: Xiaotong Fei: Amazon Brown says this book is more relevant to understanding Chinese politics. Certainly this classic is a still a must-read//  This classic text by Fei Xiaotong, China’s finest social scientist, was first published in 1947 and is Fei’s chief theoretical statement about the distinctive characteristics of Chinese society.

城镇化规划重启修改 抑地方冲动 新华社——经济参考网 Economic Information on the drafting of the Urbanization Plan document, sounds like local governments went nuts with proposed projects and building, now getting smacked down?…commodities markets have too much hope placed on China’s urbanization?// 据《经济参考报》记者了解,目前城镇化中长期发展规划核心起草小组正就规划所涉及的难点问题深入探讨,并听取有关部门、地方政府、机构和专家的意见。“此次征求意见范围较之前有所缩小。”一位接近发改委的人士说。“重新修改的根本原因是地方对‘初稿’的误读,造成了很不好的影响。一说到发展城镇化,地方便盲目上项目,认为这就是发展,其实不然。城镇化应是经济发展到一定阶段顺其自然的产物,欲速则不达。”上述人士表示,正是由于地方对城镇化根本意义的误读,对“初稿”的反应仍是项目至上、开发圈地,因此,规划修改重点便是改变地方政府固有发展观念,避免地方在城镇化发展过程中走弯路。

Related: 新型城镇化需要何种金融服务体系–金融时报 Chinese Financial News on what kind of financial system is needed to support “new-style urbanization”

寻找金融支持新型城镇化的切入点-金融时报 another article in today’s Chinese financial News about urbanization and how to finance it

人民日报-城镇化:在比较中走新路(学术随笔) 马宏伟 People’s Daily theory page today on “Western Urbanization” compared to China’s planned “new-style Urbanization”// 西方的城镇化不同程度地存在对人的压榨和剥夺问题…我国新型城镇化应坚持以人为本,既重视加快发展、提高效率,也重视成果共享、增进公平。产业发展、就业创造、城镇建设、公共服务等都应以人为核心,都应考虑弱质产业、困难群体的利益,实现科学发展、和谐发展,努力使城镇化的代价最小、收益最大。这既是后发优势的体现,也是社会主义的本质要求。

七不讲打响头炮 习式运动整风强势开场_中国_多维新闻网 Duowei continues to suggest Party Rectification campaign forthcoming // 多维新闻注意到,出于对中共执政危机的清醒认识,习近平上台后按部就班地推行着自己的整党大计。按照既定的思路,始而在民怨最大、迫在眉睫的党员腐败问题上,以“既打苍蝇又打老虎”魄力动用雷霆手段,以期立竿见影重拾民心;继而在更宏大也更有难度的改进作风问题上进行表面化的威慑与规约,如中共中央政治局下达“新八项注意”;再次在攸关中共生死存亡党员思想信仰尤其是群众路线上进行全面的“入心入脑”教育(多维新闻在《整党借助运动式 习近平治沉疴下重药》一文中曾有专门论说)。而其实抛开“七不讲”禁令的干扰,从众多官方报道中可以窥视到中共下达的这份“通报”核心目的即为重树中共党员个人的理想信念以及“三个自信”,这与其稍早前中共宣布下半年展开的群众路线教育实践活动在思路上似乎一脉相承。分析人士认为,这次大范围的学习“通知”运动可能正是即将开展的整风运动的前奏。

Related: 舆论场:“拥毛派”联盟_中国_多维新闻网【多维新闻】前有类似“延安整风”运动的“照镜子、正衣冠、洗洗澡、治治病”的群众路线实践活动的中央精神传达,后有习近平在十八大精神研讨班上论述改革开放前后两个历史时期言之凿凿的“两个不能否定”,再加上紧随其后的中共喉舌《光明日报》那篇《“两个不能否定”的重大政治意义》,李慎明发表在《红旗文稿》上的《正确评价改革开放前后两个历史时期》,以及李铁映杜绝颜色革命的呼吁、胡锡进公开为毛站台等,“拥毛派”联盟气势汹汹而来,势不可当。

[视频]新闻媒体积极响应为实现中国梦传递正能量倡议活动_新闻频道_央视网 CCTV Evening News report on event in which key news media pledge to transmit positive energy for the Chinese Dream// 央视网消息(新闻联播):本台消息,由中国记协与中央主要新闻单位、部分重点新闻网站和首都新闻单位共同发起的“以强烈社会责任感为实现中国梦传递正能量”的倡议得到新闻媒体积极响应,收到良好效果。

As China’s social media takes off, Beijing’s censorship campaign heats up – Chinese government censors are silencing influential opponents by shutting down their social media accounts on the pretext of a campaign against online rumors, victims of the practice say.

Chinese internet: ‘a new censorship campaign has commenced’ | World news | Murong Xuecun, who has had his accounts deleted, explains how bloggers compare being silenced on the Chinese internet to being put to deat

人民日报- 从明清文献看钓鱼岛的归属(厘清钓鱼岛问题③) 万 明 today’s People’s Daily has part 3 of “clarifying Diaoyu Islands issue” series, by a different CASS scholar// 综上所述,钓鱼岛由中国人最早发现、命名,并由中国历代政府实施有效管辖,其主权归属十分清楚,钓鱼岛及其附属岛屿在19世纪末被日本窃占之前早已不是“无主地”。明清文献提供了有力的历史证据,构成了钓鱼岛归属于中国的完整证据链:钓鱼岛自14世纪70年代以来已确定为中国固有的领土,在中国政府有效管控之中,中国对其拥有无可争辩的主权。(作者为中国社会科学院历史研究所研究员)

Related: INSIGHT: China’s new claims over Okinawa may harden Japanese resolve – AJW by The Asahi Shimbun Scholars in Japan and elsewhere, meanwhile, warn Beijing may be shooting itself in the foot by arousing fears of a creeping campaign to nibble away at Japanese territory. “If China’s goal is to hold talks with Japan over the Senkakus, articles like these are counterproductive,” said M. Taylor Fravel, a Chinese foreign policy expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “As a result, Japan has an even stronger incentive now to stand firm with China and not hold talks.”

Abe throws full support behind Murayama statement – The Japan News In contrast to an earlier remark, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe expressed full support Wednesday for a 1995 statement in which then Prime Minister Tomiichi Murayama expressed deep remorse for Japan’s wartime aggression against its Asian neighbors. Abe reversed course in an apparent bid to appease China and South Korea, which were angered by his views on history, and because the United States had expressed concerns about the situation.

Related: Hashimoto sticks to guns on sex slaves – The Japan Times Osaka Mayor and Nippon Ishin no Kai (Japan Restoration Party) coleader Toru Hashimoto refused Wednesday to back down from his comments about the necessity of the “comfort woman” system during the war or the desirability of legal brothels in Okinawa for U.S. military personnel.

China Granted Access to Arctic Club as Resource Race Heats Up – Bloomberg The eight-member council at a summit today in Kiruna, Sweden, also granted observer status to Japan, India, Italy, Singapore, and the Republic of Korea. The European Union application was deferred until members are satisfied that issues of concern — largely Canadian objections about EU restrictions on seal products — have been allayed.

Related: China and the Arctic: What’s the fuss?–Lowy Interpreter–Linda Jakobsen Rejecting China’s desire to participate as an observer in discussions pertaining to the Arctic future is not a sensible approach. As I have argued, Arctic Council member states can both protect their own interests and support permanent observer status for China and others.

China ministry urges end to forcible land requisition: paper | Reuters China’s land ministry has issued an emergency notice calling for an end to forced, illegal land requisitions, the state-run People’s Daily reported on Wednesday, stepping up efforts to defuse one of the biggest sources of public protest in China.

Related: 中央领导批示 国土部严防违法征地_政经频道_财新网 近日,国土资源部针对违法征地发“紧急通知”;财新记者经采访知悉,这并不意味着征地政策及制度近期会有新变动,主要是为落实中央领导近期关于征地冲突多发的批示

人民日报-征地须守住“非暴力”底线(人民时评) 刘志权 客观地看,征地是推进城镇化的必然之举。合理的征地和补偿安置,既能促进地方产业布局的升级调整,也是解决农民贫困和就业问题的契机。



Li Signals Reluctance on Stimulus to Boost China Growth – Bloomberg “To achieve this year’s targets, the room to rely on stimulus policies or government direct investment is not big — we must rely on market mechanisms,” Li said in a May 13 speech broadcast to officials around the country, according to a transcript published last night on the central government’s website. Relying on government-led investment for growth “is not only difficult to sustain but also creates new problems and risks,” he said.

That sighing sound you hear from China | FT Alphaville Today, BAML’s Ting Lu cut to 7.6 for both 2013 and 2014, from 8 per cent and 7.7 per cent, respectively. It seems that April data has dampened any hopes that the Q1 surprise of just 7.7 per cent growth was due to simple base effects such as a missed leap year day or variations in the Chinese New Year holiday.

China’s capital inflows up in April – Xinhua | China’s forex purchase position reached 27.363 trillion yuan (4.41 trillion U.S. dollars) at the end of April, suggesting continuous capital inflows amid continued bets on yuan appreciation, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) announced Wednesday The PBOC said the figure marked the fifth straight month of rises, resulting in a net increase of 294.35 billion yuan in April, up from March’s increase of 236.30 billion yuan.

Chinese Banks NPL up 16.8%, Ratio Rises to 0.96% in Q1-Caijing Non-performing loan (NPL) outstanding of Chinese commercial lenders surged 16.8% in the first quarter from a year earlier, while the NPL ratio continued climbing to 0.96%, said China’s top banking regulator Wednesday.

Playing the Long Game – Caixin Ning Gaoning is not a typical official people usually find in China’s mega state-owned companies (SOE), and what he is doing others often found impossible – letting professional managers run SOEs.  While most SOE chiefs rose from the bottom, the 55-year-old Ning has extensive training on economics and management. He has a bachelor’s degree in economics from Shandong University and an MBA from the University of Pittsburgh in the United States.

Chinese developers see land prices surge in Jan-April – Xinhua | It marked the fastest growth in the past two years, as the supply of high-quality land in major cities promoted fierce competition and drove prices up, said Liu Weiwei, an analyst with E-house China. The report said the total area of land sold for property development dropped 8.6 percent year on year from January to April, narrowing 13.4 percentage points from the pace of decline seen in the first quarter.

Rino International Settles SEC Executive-Spending Lawsuit – Bloomberg Dejun Zou and Jianping Qiu, husband and wife, will pay investors at least that much money to resolve allegations that they also engaged in a scheme to overstate revenue at the Dalian, China-based maker of water-treatment equipment, according to federal court filings today in Washington. Zou is Rino’s chief executive officer, and Qiu is chairman.

Telecoms Prepare to Answer Tax Man’s Call – Caixin As the central government accelerates its efforts to reform the country’s tax system, a pilot program to change collection methods for businesses is expected to expand soon and will probably cover the telecoms sector. The State Council, the country’s cabinet, said in early May that a nationwide switch from a business tax to a value-added tax (VAT) should be completed by 2015, a move designed to reduce tax burdens.

城市轨交审批权下放 又一波地铁潮来袭_财经频道_一财网 Li Keqiang’s move to push some approvals down to local levels may mean a surge in construction of local subways/rapid transit, other infrastructure projects. if they can find the money// 多位专家指出,由于很多准备修建地铁的城市是当地省的中心城市,如果审批权下放至省一级发改委层面,这些城市的轨交项目进度将明显加快。

环渤海动力煤价格创新低 国储启动难止跌势 | 每经网 coal prices keep dropping// 5月8日到14日,环渤海地区发热量5500大卡动力煤的综合平均价格报收612元/吨,比前一报告周期(4月24日到5月7日)下降了1元/吨。是2012年11月14日以来的第22次下跌。 有观点认为,本轮煤炭价格大跌是煤炭市场的供大于求所致。值得注意的是,最新消息显示,国家发改委下达了2013年国家煤炭应急储备任务,今年安排国家煤炭应急储备任务670万吨。但在业内人士看来,价格由市场决定,煤炭行业当前低迷的状况还将持续。

China’s fledgling brokerage juggernauts | Business Spectator The Securities Association of China tracks 114 such companies, but most people outside China could barely name a handful. Even for those who know a bit about China’s markets, what is much less appreciated is how far these businesses are already pushing to ape the riskier activities that Western investment banks exploited readily until the financial crisis.



丁薛祥任中央办公厅副主任(图/简历)–组织人事-人民网 Duowei’s report about Ding Xuexiang’s promotion to deputy director of general office of CCP was correct. Ding accompanied Xi Jinping on his Tianjin trip, reported in Tianjin press with his new title// 中国共产党新闻网北京5月16日电(记者 董宇)今天出版的《天津日报》头版头条刊发了习近平总书记到天津市考察的新闻报道。报道最后说,中共中央政治局委员、中央政策研究室主任王沪宁,中共中央政治局委员、中央书记处书记、中央办公厅主任栗战书,中央财经领导小组办公室主任、国家发改委副主任刘鹤,人力资源和社会保障部部长尹蔚民,农业部部长韩长赋,中央办公厅副主任丁薛祥随同来津。据了解,此前丁薛祥任上海市委常委,市委政法委书记。

Is ex-NPC chief Wu Bangguo’s son latest descendant to be promoted? | South China Morning Post An unusual Xinhua report (上海市管幹部任前公示 吳磊擬任上海市經信委副主任 _ 新華網移動版) has led to speculation that China’s state-run news agency has taken a subtle shot at the promotion of a son of one of China’s most powerful political figures. The cryptic report led to online debate on whether Wu Lei, a 37-year-old official soon to be promoted, could be the younger son of Wu Bangguo, the recently retired head of China’s rubber-stamp parliament, the National People’s Congress.

‘A Long Ride Toward a New China’ – Every summer, the 59-year-old Chinese blogger Zhang Shihe rides his bicycle thousands of miles to the plateaus, deserts and hinterlands of North Central China. In this Op-Doc video, we meet Mr. Zhang, known to his many followers online as “Tiger Temple,” as he goes to great lengths to document the stories of struggling rural villagers whose voices are seldom heard in China’s state-monitored media.

刘铁男案涉事商人3月被抓 或已交待官商勾结情况_网易财经 报道《中国式收购:一名部级高官与裙带商人的跨国骗贷》、《倪日涛浮沉》的记者张鹭15日对本报记者表示,他从权威渠道获得的信息显示,2013年3月,刘铁男事件中的关键人物、商人倪日涛被抓了。他表示,“倪日涛被抓或许直接导致刘铁男严重违规被做实。”

铁道部窝案:罗金保不是部长中间人-财经网 中纪委将罗金保找去后,本意是要了解丁书苗与刘志军的事情,结果组织一拍桌子,罗金保吓得把任职以来知道的事都讲了,除了说出自己的受贿数额,还交代自己曾因为去山西打猎,向原大同市公安局局长申公元借过一支猎枪,还有250发子弹

May 16, 1966–Circular of the CC of thc CPC on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 47 years ago today…original chinese text,  getting play on Sina Weibo today

China to tighten management of teachers |Society | Law-breaking and unethical teachers, like the school principal arrested on suspicions of molesting children in south China’s Hainan province, must be weeded out, the vice minister said.

Helicopter drama over debt issue |Society | hang Hongwei, the company’s former general manager, was among the men. He claimed that the helicopter’s owner – Jia Fuxiang, general manager of Hubei Yinyan General Aviation – owed him about 2 million yuan ($325, 350). He ordered the helicopter’s pilot, Li Jun, to fly to his private airport in Pingyuan county to negotiate the debt, the statement said. The helicopter was initially hired by the Xiajin government’s forestry authority to spray pesticide at a local park.



U.S. Envoy Talks With Chinese About North Korea – “I think this is all a work in progress,” the diplomat, Glyn B. Davies, said at a briefing for reporters in Beijing. “The Chinese have said to us that they will faithfully implement U.N. Security Council sanctions and are doing so. And, as I’ve said before, we take them at their word.”

Japan on Alert Over Submarines Near Its Territorial Waters – Japanese media said government officials believe the submarines were likely to have been Chinese. China’s Foreign Ministry didn’t respond to requests to comment. While the submarines didn’t violate international maritime law—they didn’t enter the 12-nautical-mile territorial waters near the areas in question—their sightings rattled Japanese officials and led the government to issue a warning that an order deploying the military to maintain maritime security could be issued if submarines enter Japan’s territorial waters.

Premier eager to return to India[1]| There are so many reasons for China to choose India as the first stop of Premier Li Keqiang’s overseas debut after taking office. And for the premier himself, there is one more reason — to return to the land where he once set foot 27 years ago. Li told a visiting delegation of Indian young people on Wednesday that the trip left an impression that will last in the rest of his life.

China Retains Position as the Largest Foreign Creditor of U.S. – Bloomberg China’s holdings of Treasuries fell 0.1 percent in March to $1.25 trillion, while Japan reduced its stake by 0.05 percent to $1.1 trillion, according to data released yesterday. China held 11 percent of the U.S. debt, compared with 9.7 percent by Japan. China’s stake reached a record $1.31 billion in July 2011.

Will The Navy’s New Killer Drones Hunt Terrorists or Fight China? | Danger Room | Wired.comIn short, the X-47B and related drones are for conflicts just short of World War III. The Predator-style models are for the small wars, chasing terrorists and insurgents in what Work calls the “global manhunt.” Choosing one over the other, even for reasons of cost, could determine what kinds of wars the Pentagon is prepared to fight — and by extension the kinds of wars policymakers might be tempted to fight.

China missile hit highest suborbital level since 1976: scientist | Reuters Jonathan McDowell, an astrophysicist at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, said the rocket was launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in western China, and China said the rocket carried a science payload which studied the earth’s magnetosphere. He said the rocket could possibly be used in the future to carry an anti-satellite payload on a similar trajectory, but there was no evidence to indicate the launch was intended to test such a capability.

Dreaming of China in the Pacific Islands–Lowy Interpreter In a new Lowy Institute Analysis paper, published today, I attempt to put the rhetoric around the seemingly non-stop rise of China in the Pacific Islands into perspective. My analysis finds that if China’s aims in the region are to be described in terms of geo-strategic competition, then on the available evidence, it is not a particularly committed competitor in the Pacific Islands.

Beijing to get new media center |Society | A comprehensive media center will be built by the Beijing Service Bureau for Diplomatic Missions by 2015, facilitating the work and life of the increasing number of foreign journalists in China. Qian Hongshan, director-general of the Beijing Service Bureau for Diplomatic Missions Qian Hongshan, director-general of the bureau, told China Daily in an exclusive interview that the bureau will renovate the Diplomatic Residents Compound (DRC) in Jianguomenwai in Beijing and establish a new media center that will combine a work area and accommodations.

Does upsetting China matter? – Global Public Square – Blogs Reports suggesting that India withdrew from a planned naval exercise with the United States last month out of fears it might upset Beijing are only the latest reason to grapple with an increasingly pertinent question: What are the costs these days of hurting the feelings of the Chinese people? Finding the answer to this question – and a way to overcome associated potential problems – has become ever more urgent as China’s perceived assertiveness has grown. And two recent diplomatic spats in particular are worth paying attention to: the fights China has picked with Britain and Norway.

Kerry team starting to fill in at State – In the Loop – The Washington Post We’re hearing that Danny Russel, a 20-plus year State Department veteran who is senior director for Asian Affairs at the National Security Counsel, is heading over to Foggy Bottom to be assistant secretary for East Asian and Pacific Affairs.//and Evan Medieros expected (to (and should) be promoted up to succeed Russel.

Pentagon Continues Use of China Satellite in New Lease – Bloomberg The use of China’s Apstar-7 satellite will be extended under a $10.7 million lease through the government solutions unit of a U.S. company, Harris CapRock Communications, the Pentagon said today in an e-mailed statement.

China’s digitalized troops begin to take shape – People’s Daily Online China’s digitalized troops used to be a core secret of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army (PLA), but they were made known to the public in the Chinese white paper on national defense in 2013 through an authoritative channel. The white paper entitled The Diversified Employment of China’s Armed Forces published that the PLA Army is “prioritizing digitalized troops”. The PLA Army is not “building” its digitalized troops but “prioritizing” them. Obviously, the Chinese military has had digitalized troops.



Taiwan Plans Drill After Rebuffing Philippines Over Death at Sea – Bloomberg Taiwan’s defense ministry deployed a Kidd-class destroyer and fighter jets as part of the military drill, Liu Hsun-cheng, a ministry spokesman, said by phone yesterday. The Coast Guard will send four ships to join the exercise in the Bashi Channel, Shih Yi-che, a spokesman, said by phone. Earlier yesterday, Ma recalled his representative from the Philippines and froze the hiring of workers from the nation because he believed Aquino’s response so far had been inadequate, his government said in a statement.



Tencent beats the street with Q1 2013 revenue of $2.16 billion and $645 million in profit – The Next Web Chinese Internet giant Tencent, often ranked the third biggest Web firm on the planet, has announced Q1 2013 profit of RMB 4.04 million ($645 million), up 16.8 percent on the last quarter, from revenue of RMB 13.54 billion ($2.16 billion), up 11.5 percent on Q4 2012. Income came in ahead of analyst estimates of $3.75 billion.

Tencent’s WeChat to Tap Mobile Users’ Pockets With Games – Bloomberg Tencent is working “aggressively” on assembling a pipeline of games for its WeChat instant messaging service, which is known as Weixin in mainland China, the Shenzhen-based company said. Billionaire Chairman Ma Huateng is counting on the app to help boost revenue and earnings growth as consumers spend more time on their smartphones and tablet computers.

Cannes: Fan Bingbing is International Artist of the Year, Says THR The Hollywood Reporter will honor Fan Bingbing, China’s leading movie star and fashion icon, as International Artist of the Year at an exclusive cocktail party during the height of the Cannes Film Festival at the Mouton Cadet Wine Bar atop the Palais des Festivals in Cannes on May 18. The award recognizes a rising global celebrity whose work has the power to affect entertainment around the world.

传广电总局出新规重审抗日剧 抗日传奇剧将禁播_资讯频道_凤凰网 GAPPSARFT cracking down on fantastical war of resistance against japan TV shows? // 5月15日,据悉,新组建的国家新闻出版广电总局正在内部整合、制定三定方案,有望6月底出台。有权威人士透露,关于规范卫视黄金档电视剧播出的通知将下发,其中特别规定:所有抗日剧都需重新审查,抗日传奇剧、戏说剧等将禁止播出。记者多方调查得知,5月份,唯有《裂变》一部抗战剧过审,而6月即将播出的《火线三兄弟》、《战雷》、《上阵父子兵》很可能胎死腹中。

因特网两牌照发放在即 云服务产业望获提振 – [中国证券网] 因特网数据中心(IDC)和因特网接入服务(ISP)牌照发放在即。业内人士认为,牌照的发放为互联网企业自建机房提供了政策上的保障,有助于推动云服务产业的发展。

行业内公开的秘密?医药电商违规售处方药_财经频道_一财网 本报调查发现,一些处方药在金象网、京东好药师、开心人网上药店、百济新特药网等知名医药电商网站上均有售,不用处方就能直接实现订购。

新华社首次发布《中国新兴媒体发展报告》 – 新华传媒 – 新华网 报告共分六大章节,约十万字,详细描述了2012年我国新媒体产业发展总体态势和发展特色,已制定出台的一系列产业扶持政策等。报告对2012年一年中互联网、移动通信和数字技术在新媒体产业中的具体应用进行了分析梳理,认为技术与通信设施的发展是中国新兴媒体崛起的动力与基石,而企业参与、市场需求推动和不断丰富的媒介形态则是新媒体产业发展的活力与依托。报告同时认为,在新兴媒体时代,国内主流媒体加大创新力度,积极探索“移动化传播”,不断推出符合时代发展潮流的新型传播模式。

中国新兴媒体发展呈现崛起之势 – 新华时政 – 新华网 新华网北京5月15日电(记者宋南)《崛起的中国新兴媒体—中国新兴媒体发展报告(2012-2013)》15日由新华社新媒体中心对外发布。这是新华社作为国家通讯社首次发布新媒体产业报告。



Fathering seven children in a one-child society: Famous director’s kids spark big debate in China | Mr. Zhang is also a prolific father, according to state media. At least seven children with up to four women, a big no-no in a country that’s restricted most urban couples to one child for the past three decades. Yet in this scandal, Chinese social media sites are lighting up not about the one-child policy, but about what this says about the gap between China’s rich and poor.

Ford Foundation Appoints Elizabeth Knup to Lead Its China Office smart hire. who replaces her at Pearson?// The Ford Foundation today announced the appointment of Elizabeth D. Knup as head of its office in China, based in Beijing. Knup has led a distinguished career developing stronger ties between China and the rest of the world in the education, not-for-profit, and business sectors. The early part of her career focused on strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations and working on expanding educational opportunities in China. Most recently she served as chief representative of Pearson PLC, one of the world’s foremost education and publishing companies.

Heavenly Stems | Sinoglot The ten Heavenly Stems, sometimes called the Celestial Stems, date back to the very earliest records of writing in China. These characters appear to be very old indeed and seem to have marked the days of a ten day week. The characters themselves are not terribly common in modern Chinese, with only one appearing in the first 1000 characters, and five more appearing in the 3000 most common characters.



China gives environmental approval to country’s biggest hydro dam | Reuters China’s environment ministry has given the go-ahead for the construction of what will become the country’s tallest hydroelectric dam despite acknowledging it will have an impact on plants and rare fish. The dam, with a height of 314 meters (1,030 feet), will serve the Shuangjiangkou hydropower project on the Dadu River in southwestern Sichuan province.

CNPC: A Global Oil Giant With Chinese Characteristics – China Real Time Report – WSJ CNPC’s announcement, while hardly unusual for such a critical role in China’s ecosystem of state-owned enterprises, is a reminder of how deeply entwined the Communist Party, government and its biggest state-owned enterprises remain. Mr. Liao new role will make him rank him No.2 at CNPC behind Zhou Jiping, who was promoted to become chairman in April.

Shanghai battery factory canceled over protest |Society | Shanghai Guoxuan New Energy said on Wednesday it had withdrawn its investment for the Songjiang program and would return the planned factory site to the local government, without claiming any compensation. The company gave in after hundreds of residents of Songjiang, in Shanghai’s southwestern outskirts, held three protests against the planned factory out of concern about potential wastewater and gas emissions from the plant.

The Pollution Crisis and Environmental Activism in China: A Q&A with Ralph Litzinger | Dissent Magazine The last year has seen a dramatic uptick in press coverage of Chinese environmental issues. There have also been a number of books published on the subject, with more due out soon. So this seemed a good moment to get in touch with my friend Ralph Litzinger, an anthropologist based at Duke University. He has been tracking the topic closely, while also writing about other important issues

多家央企因环保数据弄虚作假被处罚_公司频道_财新网 在环保部公布的脱硫设施不正常运行、监测数据弄虚作假的15家企业中,中国华电旗下就有三家企业“榜上有名”

China May Not Import CO2 Credits as UN Seeks New Market – Bloomberg China, the world’s largest greenhouse-gas emitter, probably won’t import carbon credits for two decades as global diplomats craft a new emissions market that will increase supply, the nation’s climate negotiator said. Using offsets from outside China in that period is an “unlikely scenario,” Su Wei said in an interview in Bonn earlier this month. “Rather, internally we will have a lot of offsetting credits.”



The Hakka Cookbook: Chinese Soul Food from around the World: Linda Lau Anusasananan: Amazon Veteran food writer Linda Lau Anusasananan opens the world of Hakka cooking to Western audiences in this fascinating chronicle that traces the rustic cuisine to its roots in a history of multiple migrations. Beginning in her grandmother’s kitchen in California, Anusasananan travels to her family’s home in China, and from there fans out to embrace Hakka cooking across the globe–including Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Peru, and beyond. More than thirty home cooks and chefs share their experiences of the Hakka diaspora as they contribute over 140 recipes for everyday Chinese comfort food as well as more elaborate festive specialties.

Hakka Dishes That Helped Define Chinese-Restaurant Cooking in America – When “The Hakka Cookbook” appeared last year, I immediately set up a cooking date with its author, Linda Lau Anusasananan, who lives in the exotic and far-flung city of San Mateo, south of San Francisco.

山东毒姜产业链调查_21世纪网 in-depth look at the Shandong poison ginger// 近日,央视焦点访谈报道,潍坊峡山区农民使用剧毒农药神农丹种生姜。神农丹主要成分是一种叫涕灭威的剧毒农药,50毫克就可致一个50公斤重的人死亡。 21世纪网实地调查,村民坦承确实有一部分姜农在用神农丹,而且大家也都知道,因为使用了神农丹的姜在喷洒后的三天需要人“盯着”。“用了药之后得在地上盯三天,小孩、牲畜不让靠近,牲畜很容易被熏死,而且这样的死肉还不能吃。” 食品安全底线一次次被突破,“毒生姜”估计也非最后一波。身在农业大国,放心菜却在哪里?

CCTV Investigates “Foreign” Milk Formula Brands – Economic Observer Some brands of infant milk formula being sold in China are falsely claiming to be foreign brands or imported products, according to a series of reports aired on China’s state broadcaster yesterday.



A Shared Future for the U.S. China Military Relationship –National Committee on US-China Relations Featuring Admiral Samuel J. Locklear III, U.S. Navy; Commander, Pacific Command,  Tuesday, May 21, 2013, 4:30 to 6:00PM program, 6:00 to 7:00PM reception , New York Institute of Technology Auditorium


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