China Readings for December 11th

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

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  • 联信集团 – one of Muddy Waters’ research partners in China?
  • 浑水在华代理人生意经:幕后黑手做空中概股 _ _i美股
  • Asia Times Online :: China tunnel and nuclear warhead follies– The story as Wan presented it contained several irresistible elements, to whit: 1) A team of renegade students displays 2) ingenuity and elbow grease to 3) expose the errors of pointy-headed so-called experts while 4) revealing Chinese perfidy and 5) alerting the people of America to terrible threat.This wonderful story had just two flaws: the parts of it that were true weren’t new, and the parts that were new appear not be true.
  • Feng Xiaogang on why he needs to turn to laowais to get the job done: Shanghaiist
  • 浑水在华代理人生意经:幕后黑手做空中概股_最新速递_投资界 –   信息是整个做空产业链的核心“原材料”。那么,做空者如何获得中概股的财务数据、客户资料、股东信息,谁又出卖了公司的商业机密?
  • 凡客亏空7亿:电商“虚胖”病发 – 产经 – 21世纪网
  • 张俊以:毛岸英之死背后的惊天阴谋(图)_张俊以_新浪博客
  • the Anthill | a writer’s colony – the Anthill believes everyone has a story to tell. Our growing colony of writers post new narrative, vignettes, opinion and fiction on weekends. Read on or become an ant too
  • 《炎黄春秋》或再面临改制危机_多维新闻网 – 【多维新闻】中国知名的政论杂志《炎黄春秋》近年不断推出直指政治改革的重磅文章,早前也多次传出该杂志遭整肃。最近再次发表针对文化体制改革的文章是否会受到又一次“改制危机”引人关注。
  • Fired RIM execs ‘chewed through restraints’ on flight – Canada – CBC News– New details are emerging about the rowdy behaviour of two Research In Motion executives who were fired for disrupting an intercontinental flight — including that they managed to chew their way out of restraints after being handcuffed by crew members.George Campbell, 45, and Paul Alexander Wilson, 38, each pleaded guilty to mischief for disrupting an Air Canada flight from Toronto to Beijing last week.

    The plane landed instead in Vancouver, where a court later ordered them to pay $72,000 in restitution. They also received suspended sentences and were placed on parole for a year.

    RIM fired both men after investigating the incident, but little information has been made public about what was so disruptive about their behaviour.

  • 青石:李庄案两周年律师披露真相– “Truth of the Li Zhuang case exposed on its second anniversary”我们的目的就是一个:告诉弄权者,中国已经是一个有法治也有法律人的国家,任何权力要想肆无忌惮地绕过法律这道坎,并不那么容易。欠帐总是要还的。以后想再这样胡干的人,算算成本,三思而后行。
  • Dodd slams Google over legislatoin – Entertainment News, Chasing Pirates, Media – Variety – Dodd, who assumed his post in March, notes that the idea of blocking sites is by no means unprecedented. Other supporters of the legislation note Internet providers already block criminal content like child pornography. Citing a more controversial practice, Dodd notes “When the Chinese told Google that they had to block sites or they couldn’t do [business] in their country, they managed to figure out how to block sites.”
  • MPAA Boss: If The Chinese Censor The Internet Without A Problem, Why Can’t The US? | Techdirt – The MPAA is getting pretty desperate, it seems. MPAA boss Chris Dodd was out trying to defend censoring the internet this week by using China as an example of why censorship isn’t a problem. It’s kind of shocking, really.
    “When the Chinese told Google that they had to block sites or they couldn’t do [business] in their country, they managed to figure out how to block sites.”
    Is that really what Chris Dodd wants the US government to aspire to? To setting up its own Great Firewall?