The Sinocism China Newsletter 02.28.16

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

Xi Jinping looks to be going left to go left…

Today’s Links:


1. CPC to drill members in self-discipline, socialist values – Xinhua The education campaign will focus on the study of the Party Constitution and rules, as well as remarks made by General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping, according to a plan made public by the general office of the CPC Central Committee on Sunday. The campaign will particularly target Party members with wavering confidence in communism and socialism with Chinese characteristics, as well as those who are advocating the Western value, violating Party rules, working inefficiently or behaving unethically, said the document.

Related: [视频]中共中央办公厅印发《关于在全体党员中开展“学党章党规 学系列讲话 做合格党员”学习教育方案》CCTV节目官网-CCTV-1央视网( 通知指出,开展“学党章党规、学系列讲话,做合格党员”学习教育(以下简称“两学一做”学习教育),是面向全体党员深化党内教育的重要实践,是推动党内教育从“关键少数”向广大党员拓展、从集中性教育向经常性教育延伸的重要举措。各地区各部门各单位党委(党组)要充分认识开展“两学一做”学习教育对于推动全面从严治党向基层延伸、保持发展党的先进性和纯洁性的重大意义,作为一项重大政治任务,尽好责、抓到位、见实效。要把思想建设放在首位,教育引导党员尊崇党章、遵守党规,以习近平总书记系列重要讲话精神武装头脑、指导实践、推动工作,着力解决党员队伍在思想、组织、作风、纪律等方面存在的问题,努力使广大党员进一步增强政治意识、大局意识、核心意识、看齐意识,坚定理想信念、保持对党忠诚、树立清风正气、勇于担当作为,充分发挥先锋模范作用

Related: 中国纪检监察报 – 从党章出发 向党章看齐 也正因为如此,全会工作报告在“五条体会”中明确指出:“党要管党、从严治党,要靠理想信念的引领,要靠党规党纪的保障……确立高标准毫不动摇,守住纪律底线一寸不让,自律与他律结合,既发挥道德感召力,又强化纪律约束力。” 体会亦是要求。发挥道德感召力,需要从历史和现实中汲取营养,用好党性教育这个“心学”,以崇高理想信念、优良传统作风筑牢拒腐防变思想道德防线;强化纪律约束力,离不开抓铁有痕、踏石留印的决心和定力,必须时刻握紧管党治党的纪律戒尺,用好监督执纪“四种形态”。

2. Party cadres asked to learn from Xi’s comments on Mao’s work – Xinhua According to a notice issued by the Organizational Department of the CPC Central Committee, Xi, who is also general secretary of the CPC Central Committee, asked cadres, especially heads of Party committees at all levels, to review the requirements put forward in Mao’s article. “The Work Method of Party Committees [English translation],” is part of Mao’s report on the historic Second Plenary Session of the Seventh CPC Central Committee held in March 1949, just before the Party took over state power. // 中共中央组织部印发《关于学习贯彻习近平总书记重要批示精神加强党委(党组)领导班子建设的通知》

Related: Offprint of Mao’s work published after Xi’s comments – Xinhua An offprint of a report on Party workstyle by Mao Zedong was published Friday after Chinese President Xi Jinping called on Party members and cadres to study the pioneering work. “The Work Method of Party Committees” was published by the People’s Publishing House and is available nationwide from Xinhua Bookstores, the central authority said in a notice.

3. ‘Love the party, protect the party’: How Xi Jinping is bringing China’s media to heel | The Guardian Bill Bishop, a prominent observer of Chinese politics, said Xi’s bid for media supremacy was the latest gambit in a wider push to seize absolute control over the Chinese state. Last year Xi attempted to emphasis his leadership over China’s 2.3m-man People’s Liberation Army (PLA) by staging a massive military parade in Tiananmen Square. Now he had set his sights on the media. “He’s got the gun and now he’s got the pen,” said Bishop, who edits the influential China-focused newsletter, Sinocism. “Mao would certainly understand what [Xi] is doing here.”

Related: 把习近平总书记在党的新闻舆论工作座谈会上 重要讲话精神落实到办刊治社工作中-推荐阅读-求是网 要加强党刊队伍教育管理,把纪律挺在前面,严格政治纪律和政治规矩,强化职业精神和职业操守,确保队伍可靠、干净、过硬,努力成为全媒型、专家型人才。要践行“三严三实”和忠诚干净担当要求,按照有思想、有理想、有纪律、有文采的标准,加强党性修养,增强道德操守,提高专业素质,弘扬党刊优良传统,培养造就一支具有铁一般信仰、铁一般信念、铁一般纪律、铁一般担当的干部队伍,努力造就忠诚于党忠诚于人民的党刊名记者、名编辑、名评论员。     (作者:求是杂志社社长)

4. Celebrity microblogger’s account closed for posting illegal info – Xinhua China’s top Internet regulator on Sunday ordered the microblogging platforms of Sina and Tencent to shut down the accounts of Ren Zhiqiang, a celebrity blogger and property developer, for spreading illegal information. “Cyberspace is not a lawless field and it should not be used to spread illegal information by anyone,” said Jiang Jun, spokesperson with the Cyberspace Administration of China (CAC). // 37 million followers, he will be lucky if this stops at a virtual execution and does not lead to investigation of his real estate dealings. He was long thought near untouchable due to his relationship with Wang Qishan, clearly he crossed a line that has shifted far left in the current intensifying ideological crackdown. This may be a more chilling and alarming event for tycoons and Beijing elite than anything that has happened in years, or at least since the assault on the hyper-connected CITIC Securities. If Xi wants to encourage more capital flight this is one way to do it…

Related: Outspoken Chinese Real Estate Mogul Becomes Latest Target of Party Wrath « China Change Retired Chinese real estate mogul Ren Zhiqiang (任志强), known as “Cannon Ren,” fired at Xi Jinping after Xi’s tour of China Central Television. Xi Dada’s opinion warriors are now all over him, outdoing one another to see who can work themselves into the biggest frenzy.  – The Editors // some background

Related: 西方“新闻自由”,只不过看上去很美-来源:求是网  作者:秋平 当下中国的媒体报端和网络上,错误导向的言论与思潮时隐时现,对我们的党、对我们的社会主义事业、对我们的英雄人物,他们或含沙射影,或恶意诋毁,这让人不能不想到三十年前的苏联。舆论的力量“可兴一国,可正其史”,决不容小觑。正如习近平总书记强调指出的,做好党的新闻舆论工作,事关旗帜和道路,事关党和国家前途命运。如果不能掌握新闻舆论阵地,就可能犯无可挽回的历史性错误。面对各种争夺人心的杂音噪声,我们万不能天真大意,更不可畏葸退缩。意识形态领域的博弈不会风平浪静,敌对势力存在的现实更不会自动消失。对此,我们必须看得很清楚,必须增强主动性、掌握主动权、打好主动仗,坚决打赢新闻舆论争夺战,让主旋律和正能量唱主角。只有这样,新闻舆论才能真正成为发展的“推进器”、社会的“黏合剂”、道德的“风向标”。

Related: Communist Party professor supports tycoon’s right to criticise Beijing’s policies | South China Morning Post A former property tycoon’s criticism of President Xi Jinping’s address to state media last week underscores the lack of internal channels for Communist Party members to discuss policy, a professor at the party’s top training institute said in an article ­yesterday.­ But the article penned by Central Party School professor Cai Xia vanished from cyberspace soon after it was posted. // whoops, she must be under some pressure now

Related: 社评:任志强被销号,很多人都预见到了评论环球网 任的微博被销号应会引起一定范围的警醒。希望大家正确解读这件事,从互联网管理和名人的责任两个方向厘清一段时间以来的争论。互联网必定是开放的,这是它积极的天性。同时现实社会的全部治理必须介入互联网,这是虚拟空间的现实性和它与人类生活越来越紧密交织决定的。互联网不是法外之地,这决非比喻,它真实得就像我们早上醒来看到的洒进房间的阳光。不要再玩网上撞线的游戏了,它并不好玩。

Related: Fei Chang Dao: Cyberspace Administration of China Orders Websites to Shut Ren Zhiqiang’s Accounts Global Times: As a Party member, Ren should have insisted on the constitutional principle of the Communist Party of China’s leadership. Ren’s case should be interpreted in the right way: The Internet is open, but there is no difference between managing virtual society and the real one.

Related: 国家网信办:演员孙海英等大V微博账号被关闭|微博|网信办_新浪新闻 针对少数网络名人无视社会责任,滥用自身影响力,在网上多次发布反对宪法所确定的基本原则、损害国家荣誉和利益以及造谣传谣、扰乱社会秩序等违法违规信息的行为,有关网站依法关闭@罗亚蒙、@演员孙海英、@王亚军上海、@荣剑2001、@文山娃、@纪昀、@大鹏看天下等网络大V账号。// other big V Weibo accounts shut in the last few days, including that of actor Sun Haiying

5. Robert D. Blackwill and Kurt M. Campbell: Council Special Report: Xi Jinping on the Global Stage: Chinese Foreign Policy Under a Powerful but Exposed Leader – Council on Foreign Relations In light of China’s deepening economic slowdown, “China’s foreign policy may well be driven increasingly by the risk of domestic political instability,” write Robert D. Blackwill, Henry A. Kissinger senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Kurt M. Campbell, the Asia Group’s chairman and chief executive officer, in a new Council Special Report. “Economic growth and nationalism have for decades been the two founts of legitimacy for the Communist Party, and as the former wanes, [Chinese leader Xi Jinping] will likely rely increasingly on the latter.” Xi’s “dominance of the decision-making process [has] made him a powerful but potentially exposed leader,” the authors note. To protect his position, Xi will “most probably stimulate and intensify Chinese nationalism // interesting report, given Campbell’s role as advisor to Hilary Clinton, this may be close to a policy roadmap if she becomes President. I think Xi is less “exposed” than the authors believe, but more on that in the future

6. The true nature of Xi Jinping’s power – China Policy Institute Blog – Kerry Brown The Party is the emperor in China, not any one individual. If Xi Jinping is an emerging autocrat, then he would be working fundamentally against the Party’s collective interests. He would, in many ways, be ensuring that it was about to enter even more precarious territory than it already inhabits. For all the talk about Xi being the new Mao, there is one massive issue with this interpretation. Mao died; the Party survived. In the end, despite the calamities of the Cultural Revolution visited upon it, it prevailed. Returning to Maoist policies on leadership would mean returning to failure. For an organization used to success, this would be immensely perverse – and unlikely. As of today, therefore, despite the theatre and the increasing control and concentration on the figure of Xi, I would still wager that the Party put him where he is // I would agree the Party put him where he is, but it may have underestimated how quickly he would work to neutralize checks on him, especially by any elders?

7. Statesmen’s Forum: Wang Yi, Minister of Foreign Affairs, PRC | Center for Strategic and International Studies interesting talk, really unloaded on the Philippines

Related: Statement by NSC Spokesperson Ned Price on National Security Advisor Susan E. Rice’s Meeting with Foreign Minister Wang Yi of China | President Obama joined the meeting to underscore his interest in building a durable, constructive, and productive U.S.-China relationship.  He expressed the importance of the upcoming Nuclear Security Summit in Washington, DC, on March 31-April 1, 2016.  He noted he looked forward to welcoming President Xi and China’s delegation to the Summit and to working together towards its success.

8. Former Energy Official Says Police Tortured Him into Confessing-Caixin Xu also told the court that investigators also threatened to detain his wife to see “how their teenage son would live on his own.” “This threat alone was enough to force me to succumb,” Xu said, according to the source at the hearing. “I later admitted to their accusation that I took money to help China Datang Corp. get a license to build a power plant in Zhuzhou, in Hunan Province,” Xu told court, the source said…Xu’s lawyer also told Caixin’s source that some of the threats made against h client were grim. A female investigator once threatened to cut off Xu’s head and place it as “an offering under the Communist Party flag,” the lawyer said. The investigator also told Xu he deserved the death penalty for what he had done “because a county party secretary in Chongqing was executed for only receiving a leather overcoat.” //  interesting that Caixin published this…alleged torture not by CCDI investigators but by police/procuratorate?


China halts overseas investment schemes – The casualties include the so-called Qualified Domestic Limited Partner scheme, designed to allow foreign asset managers — including the likes of BlackRock and Aberdeen Asset Management — in Shanghai’s free trade zone to sell overseas investment products directly to wealthy Chinese clients.

Banks, Regulators Confront Slippery Bills Trade-Caixin Bills of exchange are increasingly popular lending tools and a good business for banks, but fraud has forced supervisors to tighten the reins

New Plaza Accord “unrealistic”: PBOC vice governor – Xinhua There has never been a plan among G20 members to reach a deal similar to the Plaza Accord and such a plan is unrealistic, said Yi Gang, vice governor of China’s central bank. “The members haven’t reached a consensus on the trend of the exchange rates and the international currency system now is very different from that when the Plaza Accord was signed,” Yi said during an interview with Xinhua on Sunday, after the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting in Shanghai.

China gives six banks quotas for bad loan securitization: sources | Reuters The lenders were granted a total bad loan securitization quota of 50 billion yuan ($7.65 billion), said one of the sources. The quota was issued after December, the other source said, without providing details.

CRC Tightens Belt by Handling Train Upkeep Itself-Caixin Operator of country’s railroads takes over maintenance work in bid to reduce spending, dealing a blow to China Railway Rolling Stock Corp.

Strikes and workers’ protests multiply in China, testing Party authority – The Washington Post China Labour Bulletin (CLB), a Hong Kong-based group that supports workers’ rights, says it recorded 2,774 strikes or protests in China last year, twice as many as in 2014. It says the rise may be partly accounted for by better tracking of strikes on social media but called the upsurge obvious and massive.

Carlson and Yuan: China releases draft amendments to law governing commercial bribery – The FCPA Blog – The FCPA Blog New Definition of Commercial Bribery. The Draft Amendments released yesterday for public comment (due no later than March 25) would amend the definition of commercial bribery as follows: Commercial bribery refers to a business operator [i.e., company] providing or promising to provide economic benefits to the opposing party in a transaction, or to a third party able to influence the transaction, to entice it to seek a transaction-related opportunity or a competitive advantage for the business operator. Providing or promising to provide economic benefits is [considered] offering a commercial bribe; accepting or agreeing to accept an economic benefit is [considered] accepting a commercial bribe.

China Appoints Ning Jizhe Head of National Bureau of Statistics – Bloomberg Business Ning Jizhe, who is also vice chairman of China’s top planning body the National Development and Reform Commission, will concurrently hold the post of head and party chief at the National Bureau of Statistics, according to statement on the stats bureau website.

As China’s Economic Picture Turns Uglier, Beijing Applies Airbrush – The New York Times Economists have long cast some doubt on Chinese official figures, which show a huge economy that somehow manages to avoid the peaks and valleys that other countries regularly report. In recent years, China made efforts to improve that data by releasing more information more frequently, among other measures. It also gave its financial media greater freedom, even as censors kept a tight leash on political discourse. But the party now sees reports of economic turbulence as a potential threat. The same goes for data.


2015 Another Difficult Year for Criminal Defendants, Data Show-Caixin The percentage of not-guilty verdicts was 0.97 percent in 1999, meaning that only 97 out of every 10,000 suspects were found not guilty. By 2014, the figure had tumbled to 0.066 percent – so less than six defendants per 10,000 won victory in the courtroom.

Another Chinese judge killed | Supreme People’s Court Monitor The Chinese legal community is mourning Judge Ma Caiyun, who served in a tribunal of the Changping District Court, in suburban Beijing, is understood to have been killed by two men, one of whom was a party to a divorce property settlement case. (They have committed suicide.)  Her husband, a court policeman, was wounded.

China state TV airs confession by lawyer who helped Christian groups | Reuters A well-known Chinese rights lawyer has appeared on state television confessing to crimes after a months-long disappearance, the latest case in China’s widening crackdown on dissent. Zhang Kai had represented a group of Christians who were detained for suspected financial crimes last year after they resisted the demolition of crosses.

《知音》杂志原董事长胡勋璧被“双规”新闻腾讯网 湖北知音传媒集团有限公司(以下简称知音集团)为湖北省妇联投资的国有独资公司,注册资本2亿元。主管单位原为湖北省妇联,现已变更为湖北省委宣传部。 2014年8月,胡勋璧被免去知音集团党委书记和董事长一职。据媒体报道,胡勋璧被免职主要因其涉及“裸官”问题遭人举报,胡勋璧的妻女长期居住加拿大。

China’s Xinjiang to use entertainment, possibly singing and dancing, in terror fight | Reuters The official Xinjiang Daily said the government would begin a new round of public education activities to spread knowledge about China’s new counter-terrorism law, passed last year, to help improve the region’s peace and stability. These activities will “mobilize the masses from all ethnicities to proactively and actively participate in the anti-terrorism struggle”, the paper said.

New graft inspections kick off in state organs – Xinhua Pep rallies for the inspections were held on Sunday at the agencies including the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, the National Development and Reform Commission, and the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, said the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) of the CPC. Graft-busters will target altogether 32 agencies, which also include the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the General Administration of Customs and the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.

必须高度警惕和防范“颜色革命”-《红旗文稿》2016/04  作者:周小兵 二、背后都是美国操纵,受美国利益支配


The recent high turnover in the PLA leadership—Part II: Expansion and escalation | Brookings Institution – Cheng Li These bold moves will have profound implications, not only for Xi’s political standing in the lead-up to the next leadership turnover in 2017, but also for the development of civilian-military relations in the country and for the trajectory of China’s military modernization. The second installment in this series focuses on the reform of the military, including a detailed discussion of the background and chronology of the military reform plan. Although this reform is only in the initial stage of a multiyear plan, the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has already undergone its greatest transformation—in terms of administrative lineup, operational theaters, and strategic priorities—since the founding of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in 1949.

China slams U.S. admiral’s South China Sea remarks – Xinhua “We have noticed that this official is busy making comments on the South China Sea — sometimes in the U.S. Congress, and sometimes in the Defense Department — which has given us the general impression that he intends to smear China’s legitimate and reasonable actions in the South China Sea and sowing discord. He is finding an excuse for U.S. maritime hegemony and muscle-flexing on the sea,” said Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei. “We hope the official will stop playing up the situation and stop seeking publicity in the region,” Hong said.

Non-combat role: Xi Jinping’s military spearhead against corruption takes on new job with NPC | South China Morning Post China Central Television reported yesterday that Liu Yuan, wearing civilian clothes, went through the formalities with other appointees to the National People’s Congress, which begins its annual session on Friday. Liu, 64, former political commissar of the People’s Liberation Army’s former general logistics department, played a high-profile role in President Xi Jinping’s anti-corruption campaign.  //  Zhang Qingsheng took a similar role on the finance and economics committee

The 2016 Defence White Paper, China and East Asia: the end of an illusion The strategic narrative of Australia’s new Defence White Paper contains some interesting new aspects. One is the expression of much greater concern about the emerging maritime order in East Asia and China’s growing willingness to alter the status quo. In fact, the document reflects the end of the illusion in Canberra that somehow China will continue to accept the (predominantly) Western rules-based maritime order.

‘Rising star’ PLA rear admiral Wang Yu under investigation for corruption | South China Morning Post A rear admiral formerly in charge of armour and equipment for the South China Sea fleet is being probed for alleged corruption. Wang Yu, the former head of the fleet’s equipment department, offered to resign from the National People’s Congress in September because of “severe violations of party discipline” a euphemism for corruption or bribery, according to a communique posed on the website of the top legislative body’s standing committee.

南部战区司令首次接受人民日报独家专访是怎么说南海的? 五大战区成立至今将近一个月。战区的职能定位是什么? 担负怎样的使命任务?战区到底怎么建设?请看南部战区司令员王教成的独家权威解读。

China’s military is prepared ‘to defend sovereignty’ in South China Sea: military chief | South China Morning Post In his first public remarks as commanding officer of the newly-established Southern Theatre Command of the People’s Liberation Army, General Wang Jiaocheng saidthe army would be highly vigilant towards any possible security threat in the disputed waters, People’s Daily reported yesterday. “The military will be capable of dealing with any security threat. No country will be allowed to use any excuse or action to threaten China’s sovereignty and safety,” Wang said.

China accuses US commander of using smears to seek funds-AP “I have noted that according to media reports, Adm. Harris made his remarks while seeking additional defense budget funds from Congress,” Wu told reporters at a monthly news briefing. “We don’t interfere in your seeking defense budget funds, but you can’t carelessly smear China while asking for more money,” Wu said.

Banyan Tree Leadership Forum with Daniel J. Kritenbrink | Center for Strategic and International Studies The CSIS Chair for Southeast Asia Studies is pleased to invite you to a Banyan Tree Leadership Forum featuring Daniel J. Kritenbrink, senior director for Asian affairs, National Security Council. He will discuss the outcomes of the recent U.S.-ASEAN Special Leaders’ Summit at Sunnylands, California, and President Barack Obama’s upcoming travel to Vietnam in May and Laos in September.

Bulking up the Chinese maritime courts | Supreme People’s Court Monitor The South China Sea continues to be in the news. But one of the many unnoticed developments related to the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) and the Chinese seas is the recent “bulking up” of the Chinese maritime courts.

Installing a Safety on the “Loaded Gun”? China’s Institutional Reforms, National Security Commission and Sino-Japanese Crisis (In)Stability | Andrew S. Erickson This article analyzes China’s side of the ledger. Specifically, it assesses the extent to which institutional reforms since the 2001 US–China EP-3 crisis have ameliorated longstanding weaknesses in China’s crisis management capabilities and its ability to communicate via hotlines with Japan. While significant issues and obstacles to further urgently needed improvements remain, with the establishment of a Central National Security Commission (CNSC) and other recent reforms, Beijing may finally be achieving modest improvements. Bilaterally, however, no Sino–Japanese crisis hotline exists to date.


“That was a really bad Friday for us:” WIRED warns four stories were plagiarized – Retraction Watch at Retraction Watch Last Friday, WIRED editor Adam Rogers got a direct message on Twitter that no journalist wants to see. Christina Larson, a freelance writer in China, told him she had seen overlap with her own work in a few WIRED stories, and included links to the relevant pieces.

Baidu’s and Don’ts: Privacy and Security Issues in Baidu Browser – The Citizen Lab This report provides a detailed analysis of how Baidu Browser manages and transmits user data during its operation. The report identifies security concerns in both the Windows and Android versions of the browser that may expose personal user data, including a user’s geolocation, hardware identifiers, nearby wireless networks, web browsing data and search terms. Such user data is transmitted, in both the Windows and Android versions, unencrypted or with easily decryptable encryption, which means that any in-path actor could acquire this data by collecting the traffic and performing any necessary decryption. In addition, neither version of the application secures its software update process with a digital signature, which means that a malicious in-path actor could cause the browser to download and execute arbitrary code.


Chinese celebrities warned not to mix with exiled Tibetans-AP An article on China Tibet Online this week that was widely carried by other state media said there was nothing wrong with Beijing singer and actress Faye Wong, Hong Kong actor Tony Leung and Beijing actor Hu Jun worshipping Buddhism and attending religious activities. But it said that “meddling with the ‘Tibetan-independence’ clique leaders has gone far beyond the realm of ‘freedom of religious belief.'”

李思宇 – 不知该怎么称呼你 – YouTube

歌曲《不知该怎么称呼你》引爆湖南春晚:词美、曲美、情感美(全文)_网易新闻中心 人民网长沙2月10日电 (记者 林洛頫)日前,歌曲《不知该怎么称呼你》在湖南电视台播出后,迅速在网络、朋友圈、新媒体平台走红,给猴年新春送来无限温暖,被网民誉为最“暖心”的春晚歌曲。歌曲整个节奏是“咚哒~~咚哒~~咚”,就像苗族人敲起苗鼓,富有湘西的苗歌风格,旋律灵动,易于传唱。

惊世骇俗:你绝对没见过的文革题材春宫图 关于文革题材的绘画很多,但用春宫画形式来表现文革的,却不多见。画家郜科的作品具有章回小说插图加民间艳俗风格,他创作这样一组作品,意图用自己的方式来唤醒人们对文革的反省。以下是郜科的创作意图:文化大革命是人类文明史上罕见的浩劫。该运动是非意识形态的,而是一场权力斗争。随着时间的推移,主流当权者利用集体沉默顺势造成集体失忆

CCTV: Bride Prices in China Are Sky-High – What’s on Weibo CCTV’s TV programme News 1+1 explores the bride price phenomenon in their programme about the ‘price of love’.


Beijing to build new ring road and 3 high-speed subway lines by 2020 – Global Times Several urban expressways totaling 28 kilometers in length – forming the new road dubbed the 3.5 Ring Road by media – will be built during the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-20), said a report released by the Beijing Municipal Commission of Transport, the Beijing Youth Daily reported.

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