The Sinocism China Newsletter 10.18.15

"Sinocism is the Presidential Daily Brief for China hands"- Evan Osnos, New Yorker Correspondent and National Book Award Winner

This week has lots of China data coming out Monday AM. Expect the data to be mostly bad but perhaps there will be some tempering of the “crisis is nigh” sentiment. One thing to consider is that Xi does not seem to be panicking and may in fact view the economic slowdown as a political opportunity, another lever to use when pushing for personnel changes.

Either the US really is a paper tiger or freedom of navigation operations in the South China Sea are imminent. This week, just after the close of the Xiangshan Forum, would probably be as good a time as any to start. The Chinese government has not softened its rhetoric protesting the leaked “plans”, nor have Chinese media shied away from the topic.

The 5th Plenum of the 18th Party Congress starts in a week. There are increasing numbers of “leaks” in official media about what may be in the 13th Five Year Plan that will be on the agenda at the meeting, and it could be an interesting week for any sectors/stocks that look to benefit.

Today’s Links:


1. Full Text: Chinese President Xi Jinping conducts written interview with Reuters – Xinhua Chinese President Xi Jinping conducted a written interview with Reuters on Sunday, in advance of his state visit to Britain. Following is the full text:  //  not really an interview when Reuters submitted questions in writing and has no evidence that Xi himself answered the questions

Related: China’s Xi lauds Britain for ‘visionary’ openness, prods others to emulate | Reuters “The UK has stated that it will be the Western country that is most open to China. This is a visionary and strategic choice that fully meets Britain’s own long-term interest,” Xi said in a written response to questions from Reuters.

Related: Britain’s red-carpet welcome for Xi baffles traditional allies – In what is being seen in other western capitals as an unprecedented act of kowtow, almost every aspect of the British state will be thrown open to Mr Xi: Buckingham Palace, 10 Downing Street, Chequers, the Palace of Westminster, even the country’s critical infrastructure, including nuclear power. Britain’s traditional allies regard this behaviour as bizarre at best and craven and dangerous at worst, while old China hands at the Foreign Office are in despair

Related: Britain to Put Commerce With China First in President Xi Jinping’s State Visit – The New York Times “Let’s stick together to make Britain China’s best partner in the West,” Mr. Osborne said in effusive language that American officials would be unlikely to use with China. Mr. Osborne’s trip highlighted the British government’s emphasis on economic ties with China rather than on contentious issues such as human rights — a stance that has been warmly welcomed in China. Mr. Xi’s visit, which will include a stay at Buckingham Palace and a ride in a royal horse-drawn carriage, has been heralded in the Chinese state-run news media as opening a “golden era” between the two countries. It will be the first state visit to Britain by a Chinese leader in a decade.

Related: 人民日报国纪平文章:开创合作共赢的“黄金时代”-新华网 ——写在习近平主席启程对英国进行国事访问之际 国纪平

Related: Attacks on Britain ‘kowtowing’ to China merely sour grapes – Global Times The Washington Post on Wednesday ran a commentary by its China bureau chief Simon Denyer, which accused Britain, as its headline suggested, of “bending over backward to prove its friendship to China.” What sour grapes! // 社评:骂伦敦向中国磕头的美媒一肚子酸葡萄评论环球网 

2. Chinese general says Beijing will never ‘recklessly’ resort to force in South China Sea amid territorial disputes | South China Morning Post Fan Changlong, one of the vice chairmen of the Central Military Commission which controls the Chinese armed forces and is headed by President Xi Jinping, told a high-level security forum that China had sought to avoid conflict. “We will never recklessly resort to the use of force, even on issues of sovereignty, and have done our utmost to avoid unexpected conflicts,” Fan told the forum, attended by Southeast Asian defence ministers.

Related: China’s lighthouses in Spratlys beckon recognition from passing ships | Reuters References to the lighthouses are likely to find their way into international shipping charts and registers and the logbooks of foreign navies. That would help China to potentially build a long-term legal picture of effective occupation, despite any formal diplomatic objections of rival claimants. The lighthouses reinforce Beijing’s continued strategy of gradually “changing the facts on the water”, Storey said.

Related: Malaysia slams China’s ‘provocation’ in South China Sea – Yahoo News UK “I would like to address the issue of the unwarranted provocation by the Chinese over the construction on the garrisoned islands of the South China Sea,” Malaysia Armed Forces chief Zulkefli Mohd Zin told a security forum in Beijing… “So time will tell as to what China’s intention is. In the meantime we have got to accept the reasons given by the government of the People’s Republic of China as to the purpose of the development of these islands,” Zulkefli said.

Related: Commentary: Planned U.S. provocative move in S. China Sea risks destabilizing region – Xinhua it will be a grave mistake for the United States to use military means to challenge China, as it will inevitably damage the newly-generated positive momentum in the bilateral ties and could lead to dangerous misunderstanding between the two militaries. Washington boasts the strongest military power in the world, but this by no means justifies its act of bullying any other country at its will. China has every right to defend its rights and strategic interests, and will respond to any provocation appropriately and decisively.

3. In a Region Disturbed by Ethnic Tensions, China Keeps Tight Lid on a Massacre – The New York Times Armed with only knives, the assailants struck at the coal mine in the dead of night, first killing the security guards and then setting upon the miners as they slept in their dormitory beds. Before the Sept. 18 rampage was over, more than 50 people were dead, at least five of them police officers, and dozens more had been wounded, according to victims’ relatives and residents. Most of the victims were Han Chinese who had been lured to this desolate corner of the far west Xinjiang region by the prospect of steady work and decent pay.  // Imagine if (when?) they had access to more than knives…

4. Jailed and refused bail, Chinese investigative journalist detained after exposing high profile corruption scandal | South China Morning Post Liu, 37, deputy director of the Guangdong-based Southern Metropolis News, was detained by police in the city of Pingxiang, in Jiangxi province, on October 8, his newspaper confirmed on Friday night. He reportedly “disappeared” at Chengdu airport, in Sichuan province…Liu’s articles, revealing the links between controversial self proclaimed qigong master Wang Lin and celebrities, business people and party cadres, are believed to have led to his detention.

Related: 腾讯新闻-王林案办案民警涉嫌违法犯罪 新华社北京10月18日电记者18日从江西省公安厅获悉,江西警方在办理王林案件中发现,办案民警钟某与王林前妻、情妇勾结,干扰办案,企图为王林开脱罪责,并收受王林前妻、情妇贿赂。此案已由公安部直接办理。江西省公安厅负责人表示,江西公安机关坚决服从配合公安部查办工作,并对队伍中暴露出的问题深刻反思,加强管理,严肃纪律,坚决防止此类事情再次发生。 另据记者18日从南方都市报获悉,南都负责人表示,支持由公安部直接办理此案。// deep waters. murky case

5. 四川军工单位4人被境外间谍策反 受审画面曝光(图)_凤凰资讯 CCTV report on 4 people from an unnamed Sichuan defense industry “work unit” who have been arrested for spying for foreign government. Espionage arrests, or at least publicity of them, appear to be up. The Ministry of State Security looks to be further empowered under Xi and to be in the midst of an internal corruption cleanup that has it more focused on its mission and its employees perhaps need to prove their loyalties…and of course there are actually plenty of foreign espionage threats against China

6. Are Chau Chak Wing’s circles of influence in Australia-China ties built on hot air? US prosecutors accuse Australian-Chinese businesswoman Sheri Yan and her finance chief Heidi Park of arranging for Ashe to be paid $US200,000, plus $US30,000 in travel expenses, for his entourage, plus a promise of bigger things to come. What the alleged bribe bought was Ashe’s appearance, in his official UN capacity, at Chau’s resort on November 17, 2013. Ashe’s appearance was trumpeted on Chau’s Kingold company website right up until Ashe, Yan and Park were arrested by New York authorities on October 6 over the bribery allegation. Since then, most of the offending web pages have been scrubbed from cyberspace. // sounds like more shoes to drop in this story

Related: The Great Wall of Money – Four Corners – Australian Broadcasting Corporation Whether it’s waterfront trophy homes or apartments off the plan, or even massive commercial developments, Chinese investment in our real estate has surged by more than 400 per cent in just five years, with as much as A$12 billion spent in the previous financial year alone. Property is now the number one Chinese investment in Australia. So who are these investors and what do they see in Australia?

7. China’s Selling Tons of U.S. Debt. Americans Couldn’t Care Less. – Bloomberg Business For all the dire warnings over China’s retreat from U.S. government debt, there is one simple fact that is being overlooked: American demand is as robust as ever. Not only are domestic mutual funds buying record amounts of Treasuries at auctions this year, U.S. investors are also increasing their share of the $12.9 trillion market for the first time since 2012, data compiled by Bloomberg show.

8. Moving 2 Million People for Beijing’s Urban Reset-Caixin long overdue… //  Nearly 2 million Beijing residents will be moved to the city’s outlying districts from the center by 2020 as part of a massive urban revamp designed to better control people, traffic and smog. The movers include up to 1 million government workers covered by an initiative to relocate city government offices from downtown to the Tongzhou District about 20 kilometers east. Most city agencies will be affected by the relocations, which got underway this year and should be done by 2017.


Goldman Says China Has Tamed the Yuan Bears – Bloomberg Business “The message was that we are done and that’s it — don’t fight against us,” said Song Yu, a Beijing-based economist at Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and the top forecaster for the Chinese economy. “Now policy makers are feeling less pressure and have more room to do what they want, with the exception of depreciating the currency.”

Investors voice concern on China’s forex reserves – Tao Wang, China economist at UBS, estimates that China holds $1.4tn in US Treasury securities plus $800bn in those of other governments, mostly in Europe, the UK and Japan — far below the official figure of $3.5tn. Still, she believes concern about the liquidity of China’s reserves are overblown.

党报谈外储连降:金融资产多的可配置美元,一般居民不必恐慌金改实验室澎湃新闻-The Paper 作为全球外汇储备最大持有国,巨额的外汇储备在某种程度上也是负担。丁志杰认为,外汇储备减少,市场不必恐慌,对于老百姓来说没有什么太大影响。// Party media says citizens should not worry about RMB

China must hasten infrastructure investment to stabilize growth: state advisor | Reuters Increased infrastructure investment is key to stabilizing China’s economic growth, a top state advisor said on Sunday, while calling on the central bank to lower the cost of financing for companies and increase overall credit. “Keeping relatively high growth of infrastructure investment is key to stabilizing economic growth” since property and manufacturing investment remains weak, said Yu Bin, head of the micro economy research department at the State Council’s Development Research Centre.

Why Some Chinese Cities Boom Amid Property Bust – China Real Time Report – WSJ Most of the rest of the world’s No. 2 economy is dealing with a slumping property market that is weighing on the country’s growth. But China’s most economically developed cities have the opposite problem – they have fewer homes available for sale and surging demand from home buyers. China’s richest cities – called first-tier cities – are generally regarded as Beijing and Shanghai as well as the southern manufacturing hubs of Guangzhou and Shenzhen. Experts say there are signs that Shanghai and Shenzhen in particular are overheating.

How the Pros Tell When China Has Too Many Homes – China Real Time Report – WSJ  measuring inventory based on the amount of unsold homes calculated from sales permits “is only the tip of the iceberg,” said Credit Suisse analyst Jinsong Du. “There are potentially much more housing units under construction that can be presold,” Mr.  Du said

Chinese Copper-Trading Surge Shakes Up Market – WSJ Since the start of July, when authorities began limiting stock trading in China, trading in stock-index futures has fallen 97% to around 65,000 contracts a day, while trading in Chinese copper futures has nearly doubled to roughly 710,000 contracts a day. Because investors now face obstacles in betting against stock futures, they have turned to the copper market as they seek avenues to bet on a deepening slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy, traders and other market experts say.

全面深化改革的关键一步|改革|经济体制改革_凤凰资讯 “Liberal” economist Wu Jinglian writes on page 10 of the 10.19.2015 People’s Daily about the importance of the recently announced price reforms as a key step in “comprehensively deepening reform”

China third-quarter GDP: 5 things to watch – China’s slowing growth is denting commodity prices and roiling global economies and companies alike. Monday will offer a fresh look at just how sharp the slowdown is when the country releases third-quarter GDP data. Here are five things to watch:

十三五GDP年均增长底线6.56% 人均收入将翻一番 | 每经网 据接近国家发改委的专家介绍,“十三五”规划建议的全称是《中共中央关于制定国民经济和社会发展第十三个五年规划的建议》,是由中财办牵头起草;而此前已经完成的“十三五”规划基本思路,是由国家发改委牵头的。据悉,下一步《建议》落定后,在基本思路和《建议》的基础上,国家发改委等方面将会制定完成“十三五”规划纲要,并在明年3月全国“两会”上提请审议,之后会正式对外发布 //  “sources close to the NDRC tell Economic Observer that bottom line for annual GDP growth will be set at 6.5% in upcoming 13th Five Year Plan

十三五户籍管理目标“一国一制” _ 经济参考网 _ 新华社《经济参考报》官方网站 户籍改革仍是未来五年的改革重点。《经济参考报》记者获悉,即将公布的“十三五”规划将继“十二五”后再次将户籍改革放入其中,继续加大户籍改革的步伐,坚持分类推进,以建立统一的城乡户口登记制度,最终形成户籍管理制度的“一国一制”。 //  Economic Information Daily says more significant Hukou reform to be in 13th five year plan

Xi pledges stronger support to rid China of poverty by 2020 – Xinhua “Despite the achievements, China remains the world’s biggest developing country, and narrowing the urban-rural gap remains a big challenge for us,” Xi said. As of the end of 2014, China still had 70.17 million people in the countryside living below the country’s poverty line of 2,300 yuan (376 U.S. dollars) in annual income by 2010 price standards. The president said poverty alleviation will be a major part of China’s post-2015 agenda.// [视频]习近平出席2015减贫与发展高层论坛并发表主旨演讲新闻频道央视网(


Detention of networker extraordinaire Sam Pa creates shockwaves – According to local media and a person familiar with the matter, Mr Pa was led away from a Beijing hotel on October 8 on the orders of China’s ruling Communist party. The previous day, state media had announced that Su Shulin, a former Sinopec boss who had sat across from Mr Pa at that 2008 meeting, had been placed under investigation for “suspected serious disciplinary offences”. The investigation came after Sinopec ordered a wide-ranging audit of its overseas assets acquired in a spending spree. // his detention a very big deal

Inspection of 11 agencies, SOEs uncovers embezzlement – People’s Daily Online According to the CCDI statement, 26 State-run companies, government agencies and public institutions underwent disciplinary inspection during the second round, and results for the remaining will be unveiled.

2015年中央巡视组第二轮专项巡视已公布11家单位反馈情况————头条——中央纪委监察部网站 CCDI releases feedback on latest round of inspections

人民日报社下属单位存在新闻敲诈政经频道财新网 CCDI inspection of People’s Daily finds a fair number of problems. When will a CCDI team go into CCTV?// 据10月18日公布的《中央第四巡视组向人民日报社反馈专项巡视情况》显示,存在问题包括对下属单位监管缺失,一些社属媒体“打擦边球”、“踩红线”、违反宣传纪律的行为时有发生,有的国内分社利用党报资源搞合作开发牟利,有的下属单位存在有偿新闻、有偿不闻和新闻敲诈现象等// 中央第四巡视组向人民日报社反馈专项巡视情况

求是杂志社个别文章刊发政治上把关不严政经频道财新网 CCDI finds issues inside People’s Daily subsidiary “Seeking Truth”, including publishing articles based on relationships not merit, laziness, poor management, politica issues w some articles etc  //  据10月18日公布的《中央第四巡视组向求是杂志社反馈专项巡视情况》显示,存在问题包括个别文章刊发政治上把关不严,出现纰漏,同时存在刊发关系稿、人情稿的问题;内部管理不够严格,存在庸懒倦怠问题;对社属企业的监管不到位,廉政风险较大等

学习平台评论频道央视网( “Study Xi Platform” on CCTV website

Uygur militants ‘eliminated’ from Pakistan, claims minister | South China Morning Post China, Pakistan’s only major ally in the region, has long urged Islamabad to weed out what it says are militants from Xinjiang, who are holed up in a lawless tribal belt, home to a lethal mix of militant groups, including the Taliban and al-Qaeda. “We believe they’re all eliminated,” Pakistan Defence Minister Khawaja Asif said on the sidelines of a security forum. “There [were] a small number in tribal areas, they’re all gone or eliminated. There are no more there.”

China releases book on Xi’s speech for artists – Xinhua The book, compiled by the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, is divided into five topics highlighting new and important ideas in Xi’s speech, in addition to including the full text, the Xuexi Publishing House said. A circular from the department urged local authorities to organize learning sessions and seminars on the book.

中共中央印发《干部教育培训工作条例》-新华网   updated “cadre education training work regulations” released

After 16-Year-Old Is Forced to Flee China, State Broadcaster Spins a Mendacious Tale « China Change Bao Zhuoxuan, the son of prominent rights lawyer Wang Yu and activist Bao Longjun, earlier this month attempted to escape China with the help of his parents’ friends, and was apprehended in Myanmar on October 6. His parents have been under secret detention, and denied access to lawyers, since July. The following post is a response to a report by China Central Television (CCTV) which suggested that Bao had been either deceived or forced into leaving China. The author of this post, published under the pseudonym He Fei on Weiquanwang, chooses to remain anonymous for reasons readily understood.

人民日报:中纪委对“老虎”的评语暗藏玄机|中纪委_新浪新闻 10月16日13时05分,中纪委网站同时公布了周本顺、杨栋梁、潘逸阳、余远辉四人被开除党籍和公职、移交司法机关处理的新闻,其中前两者为中央委员,后两人为中央候补委员,创造了同日“双开”中央(候补)委员最高数量的纪录。   早在今年7月22日,“人民日报政文”就曾经发文《对移交司法的“老虎”中纪委“评语”有何变化》,对党的十八大以来中纪委移交司法机关处理的 “老虎”的“评语”透露的信息进行了分析。结合细读今天这四篇新闻稿,正哥哥发现,中纪委对移送司法机关的“老虎”的“评语”又在发生新的变化:

腾讯新闻-山西女市长与多名上下级通奸 some details on the arrested and allegedly adulterous and corrupt former mayor of Gaoping, Shanxi Yang Xiaobo, who is accused of improper relations with some of her superiors and subordinates  //  山西高平原市长杨晓波(女),以“与多名上下级长期保持情人关系”闻名,检察院在起诉书中称她受贿1431万,面对相关办案人员,杨晓波曾嚎啕大哭、泣泪忏悔。


The New Silk Roads: China, the U.S., and the Future of Central Asia | Center on International Cooperation Since July 2012, the Center on International Cooperation at New York University (CIC) and the Chinese Institute for International Studies (CIIS) have convened track-two discussions on the prospects for Sino-U.S. cooperation in Afghanistan. Before that, starting in 2009, CIC, together with Norway and other partners, convened a series of track 2 and track 1.5 meetings among neighbors of Afghanistan to discuss different proposals for regional architecture for stability.

Apology – Global Times The article, “Beijing Hosts First Marxism Congress”, published on the Global Times on October 12, contained an indirect quote mistakenly attributed to Professor Roderick MacFarquhar. The quote was translated from a news report by a Chinese language media outlet that the Global Times neglected to confirm and double check. We hereby apologize to Professor MacFarquhar and our readers for any possible confusion incurred by the mistake.

Military Drills in Indian Ocean Signal Deepening Ties – WSJ Worries about Beijing’s rapidly increasing military strength and its growing ability to deploy forces far from Chinese shores have helped drive a convergence of strategic thinking in Washington, New Delhi and Tokyo and prompted pledges of defense and economic cooperation.  //  should be good days ahead for defense industry

A remote corner of China wants access to the sea. The obstacle is North Korea. – The Washington Post Over the years, this area has been described as “the next Rotterdam.” In the early 1990s, the U.N. Development Program spearheaded an ambitious project called the Greater Tumen Initiative, named after the river that runs through the region. The project went nowhere.

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Says Hack Linked to China – NBC News Abbott said WHOI hired cybersecurity firm Mandiant to investigate after WHOI’s cybersecurity system detected the intrusion in June. WHOI said didn’t disclose the breach until this week in part because Mandiant didn’t want to “tip off” the intruders.

军旅原创MV《鏖战昆仑》-八一电视|中国军队视频门户 巍巍昆仑,雪色茫茫,战车吐雾,铁甲轰鸣,狂风呼啸吹不偏出膛的子弹,烈日炙烤晒不干汗湿的衣衫,鏖战在祖国大西北的钢铁红军师金刚钻团战士,用自己的青春与热血谱写出一首昆仑赞歌。 // interesting music video from soldiers in a band about “bitter fighting in the Kunluns”…definitely not the sappy singing from PLA music troupe that you usually see


Fearing Election Losses, Taiwan’s Governing Party Drops Its Presidential Candidate – The New York Times The party chose its chairman, Eric Chu, the mayor of New Taipei City, as its new presidential candidate at a special party congress. He replaced Hung Hsiu-chu, who in polls has badly trailed Tsai Ing-wen, the nominee of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party, and even at times polled behind a third-party candidate. Ms. Hung resisted the change, but she was overruled by party leaders who persuaded delegates to reverse her nomination. “I have said before I will accept the congress’s decision,” Ms. Hung, the vice president of Taiwan’s legislature, told the gathering.


IBM Allows Chinese Government to Review Source Code – WSJ International Business Machines Corp. has agreed to let China review some product source code in a secure room, according to two people briefed on the practice, making it the first major U.S. tech company to comply with Beijing’s recent demands for a stronger hand in foreign technology there. IBM has begun allowing officials from China’s Ministry of Industry and Information Technology examine proprietary source code—the secret sauce behind its software—in a controlled space without the ability to remove it from the room, the people said.

The Martian: US-China cooperation an alien concept? | Such scepticism, drawing on a recent trend, is understandable. Examples of Hollywood sucking up to China are noted in this WaPo column piece, which also looks at the substantial sums of money involved.    But in the case of The Martian it overlooks the fact that the events are based on a book, not the perceived machinations of marketers in Hollywood (though this plotline must have delighted them).

Culture Shock: Chinese Ministry Slammed on Not-so-Social Media – China Real Time Report – WSJ The Ministry of Culture, which is responsible for the protection and promotion of Chinese traditional culture, launched its official account on the popular social-media platform Weibo Thursday and almost immediately it found itself drenched by a firehose of vitriol. Three messages posted to the feed since Thursday afternoon had attracted over 100,000 comments a day later, most of them unfavorable or outright hostile.

Minitrue: Delete News on 81 Illegal Video Apps – China Digital Times (CDT) Social media news blog Moonlight Blog (月光博客) reported last week on a list of 81 software applications “suspected of spreading unlawful and harmful content” (涉嫌传播违规有害内容). The list of suspect apps from China’s top media regulator, the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio Film, and Television, was shared on Weibo by members of the media.

腾讯京东推“京腾计划” 做电商精准营销公司频道财新网 计划推出“品商”生意平台,腾讯借此找流量变现渠道,而京东则希望将流量化为实际订单,联手阻击阿里巴巴  //  “brandncommerce” platform that Tencent & JD just announced to better leverage Wechat and Tencent’s other SNS data a direct shot at Alibaba

虚拟运营商业内人士:我们没利润推进实名制|虚拟运营商|实名制电信新浪科技_新浪网 腾讯安全云库的黑号统计分析显示,170号段中恶意电话占比达8.6%,其中1705号段在抽取的1000条短信中的恶意短信占比高达99.2%。根据“天下无贼”反信息诈骗联盟的分析,9月1日手机实名制实施后,不到一个月的时间1705号段竟然下降了近25万个号码(未实名之前是535396个号码)。 据了解,骗子之所以选择170卡进行诈骗主要原因是170号码资费较低(即ARPU值偏低)。虚拟运营商由于自身盈利能力较弱,短期内难以实现盈利,为了抢占市场,现阶段的首要目标是把用户规模发展上来。但是,限制于利润空间和盈利模式,出现渠道养卡和违规办理情况,以至于非实名卡泛滥。 // interesting look at some of the economic disincentives to mobile phone number real-name registration


Q. and A.: Zhang Gan on Managing the Chinese Art Market – The New York Times Next month, Tsinghua University in Beijing, in collaboration with Sotheby’s, will welcome 60 students for a two-year master’s degree program in the business of art, the first of its kind in China.

腾讯新闻-河南万人同打太极拳遭“霾伏” slideshow of a ten thousand person Tai-chi exercise in the smog in Henan, perhaps this is the “not-inhaling” school?


Victims of Beijing Blaze Learn Health Insurance Won’t Cover Medical Bills-Caixin She said the family was told by doctors that since the fire was the result of criminal activity, the medical treatment could not be covered by the China’s national health insurance, and the family would have to seek compensation from the man who started the blaze. Police said the man is a debt-ridden small business owner and that he has been detained. Patients in China’s hospitals can usually get between 60 percent and 100 percent of the costs of their medical treatment reimbursed by the national health insurance program – but few people seem to know that this is not possible if criminal activity is involved.

环保部将开展涉危涉化环评专项检查-新华网 Ministry of Environmental Protection launching inspections of environmental impact reports for industrial parks and projects involving chemicals and dangerous goods…purchased, faked, environmental impact reports a huge problem  //  新华网北京10月18日电 记者18日从环境保护部获悉,为进一步强化涉危、涉化建设项目环境管理,环保部从10月下旬起将对部分省区市的重点化工园区及涉危、涉化重点建设项目开展环评专项检查。


全国政协召开双周协商座谈会 俞正声主持-20151009新闻联播-凤凰视频-最具媒体品质的综合视频门户-凤凰网 interesting comments from Yu Zhengsheng on GMOs


中国留学生请人代学 校内常见中文代写作业广告新闻腾讯网 前阵子,知乎网站上一个关于“留学生作业代写”的话题引发了激烈讨论。不少留学生表示,“中国留学生作业代写”在美国、英国、澳洲等地非常普遍,他们早已见怪不怪,“作业代写”甚至已经发展成为了一个产业链。

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One thought on “The Sinocism China Newsletter 10.18.15

  1. ” Britain’s red-carpet welcome for Xi baffles traditional allies –” Really? They’ve never heard expressions like ‘follow the money’? Dividere et Sincere?

    Watch as China peels away the US’s allies, one by one…

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